Solutions of the challenges of in kotlin
Only from day 05 because the first 4 days I worked in F#.
This is a simple kotlin project without any maven / gradle etc. Clone and create a new kotlin project for it.
the only non kotlin-standard library I've added is assertJ
in the corresponding directory.
Add it to your path.
All days reside in single files within the root package (yes, I know, this is bad taste). Each day has a "main"-function for it that executes the day and prints the result. Oftentimes you only see the "part 2"-result because I have reworked the code.
The main.kt-File has a main-function that calls other functions.
The input-files for test and the real puzzle input resides in files in the resources
From Day09 on, I have written tests prior to solving the puzzle. The test only utilizes the test-input while the "main"-function of the day only uses the real puzzle input.