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Configure simulation

Michael Hirsch, Ph.D edited this page Jan 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

When making a totally new simulation (different location, grid, etc.) you must first create a new simulation

config.ini format

Each simulation needs an input file that specifies location of initial conditions and other pertinent information for the simulation.
Examples are in initialize/. Each subdirectory is a separate example usage of GEMINI for a particular problem.
The basic template for an input file (config.ini) file follows.

Note: most use cases will not have all options activated as this example does.

16,9,2015                             !dmy:  day,month,year
82473.0                               !UTsec0:  start time, UT seconds
1800.0                                !tdur:  duration of simulation in seconds
15.0                                  !dtout: how often (s) to do output
109.0,109.0,5.0                       !activ:  f107a,f107,Ap (81 day averaged f10.7, daily f10.7, and average Ap index)
0.9                                   !tcfl:  target cfl number (dimensionless - must be less than 1.0 to insure stability)
1500.0                                !Teinf:  exospheric electron temperature, K (only used in open-grid simulations)
0                             	  !potsolve:  are we solving potential? (0=no; 1=-yes)
0                                     !flagperiodic:  do we interpret the grid as being periodic in the x3-direction?  (0=no; 1=yes)
2                                     !flagoutput:  what type of output do we do?  (2=ISR-like species-averaged plasma parameters; 3=electron density only; anything else nonzero=full output)
0                                     !flagcapacitance:  include inertial capacitance? (0=no; 1=yes; 2=yes+m'spheric contribution)
1                                     !are we applying neutral perturbations? (0=no; 1=yes).  If 0, the next five entries are skipped while reading this input file
1                                     !how doe we interpret the input neutral file geometry?  (0=Cartesian; anything else=axisymmetric)
-20.5706d0,359.4048d0                 !source mlat,mlon of disturbance (degrees magnetic lat,lon)
4d0                                   !time step between neutral input files
2d3,2d3                               !spatial resolutions in radial and vertical directions
1                                     !flagprecfileinput:  for precipitation file input (0=no; 1=yes).  If 0, then next two entries of input file are skipped
1.0                                   !dtprec:  time (s) between precipitation input files
1                                     !flagE0fileinput:  flag for electric field file input (0-no; 1=yes).  If 0, next two entries of input file are skipped
10.0                                  !dtE0:  time (s) between electric field input files

A large number of examples (in addition to those included in the main repo) are included in the GEMINI-script repository.

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