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Data files used within the app

Bhavyaa edited this page Jul 22, 2021 · 1 revision

NOTE: No data is actually stored within the git repository.

Each app uses various forms of processed data for the different visualizations and analyses. Typically this processing involves a lot of computation done beforehand, in order to minimize computation within the app itself, and generally it is done on Hydra. Occasionally, a smaller amount of processing is done which is highly specific to this app, in which case the scripts are saved under data/data_prep.

In order to keep track of the provenance of each file, each data directory contains a file called data.json, which is a human and machine readable description of all the files in each data directory, following the structure within the directory itself.

If the data directory is organized into sub-directories, the data.json file contains one object (wrapped in {}) per sub-directory, and each object is an array (wrapped in []) of "file objects", with the following required properties:

  • file, specifying the name of the file
  • description, a plain-language description of what the file stores
  • contents, a technical description of what the file contains, ideally specifying the format (feather file, .Rds, .Rda, or TSV), the name of the object or columns, etc

Each file object must have one of the following properties:

  • path, path from the lab's project folder on Hydra or Beluga
  • script, path to the script which generated the file within this repository, from the data directory of the respective app

Although the development of this app and addition of new data files is done in a piece by piece manner, the idea of documenting the data this way is that it would be fairly easy to set up on a new machine, and make a script that reads in the data.json files for each app, recreates the directory structure, copies over the data from Hydra, and runs any local data preparation scripts.


       "file": "joint_pons.gene_names.tsv",
       "path": "sjessa/from_hydra/single_cell/scDev_data/data/joint_pons/joint_pons.gene_names.tsv",
       "description": "Names of all genes detected in the joint pons dataset",
       "contents": "Data frame with one column, 'genes', containing gene symbols"

Reading .json file into R

Here's an example of how we can read data.json files into R (although it could be done in another language), as the basis for creating a script to re-populate the data directory for the clusters app. The object returned by fromJSON is a list of 3 elements corresponding to folders, each element is a data frame which describes the files in that folder.


data_doc <- fromJSON("clusters/data/data.json")

# List of 3

# Rows: 8
# Columns: 5
# $ file        <chr> "ID_20190715_dendrogram_order.Rda", "mean_expression_per_ID_20190715_cluster.feather", "pct1_per_ID_20190715_cluster.feather", "joi…
# $ path        <chr> "sjessa/from_hydra/single_cell/scDev_data/data/joint_mouse/ID_20190715_dendrogram_order.Rda", "sjessa/from_hydra/single_cell/scDev_…
# $ description <chr> "Cluster names in the short format ('F-e12 DRGC') in the order of the dendrogram in Fig 1 of Jessa et al, Nat Genet, 2019", "Feathe…
# $ contents    <chr> "R object containing a vector called 'dendrogram_order', where elements are cluster names", "Table with first column 'Cluster' and …
# $ script      <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "data_prep/prep_data.R", "data_prep/prep_data.R"

Here is a script to do this for another app, also from a data.json file.

Server configuration

For posterity, here is the part of the shiny-server configuration file at /etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf, which specifies this directory of apps:

location /braindex {

    site_dir /srv/shiny-server/braindex;
    log_dir /var/log/shiny-server/braindex/;
    directory_index on;