Add id for Pane component. Refs UICHKOUT-768.
Add pull request template. Refs UICHKOUT-771.
Compile Translation Files into AST Format. Refs UICHKOUT-708.
Remove unnecessary request to loan-policy-storage/loan-policies
end-point within checkout procedure. Refs UICHKOUT-767.
Fix focus issue. Refs UICHKOUT-773.
Refactor away from react-intl-safe-html. Refs UICHKOUT-721.
Optional dependency @folio/circulation
is out of date. Refs UICHKOUT-777.
Enable error message when entering an item barcode without a patron barcode. Refs UICHKOUT-770.
Remove react-hot-loader. Refs UICHKOUT-776.
Migrate CI to NodeJS v16. Refs UICHKOUT-782.
Replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser. Refs UICHKOUT-779.
Warn when selected user lacks a barcode. Refs UICHKOUT-737.
Improvement for bigtest running. Refs UICHKOUT-785.
Use permanent error key instead of error message. Refs UICHKOUT-783.
Set up Jest/RTL tests. Refs UICHKOUT-786.
You can’t perform that action at this time.