dotfiles gives you the possibility to customize your system. These are mine.
Please make sure that you have at least Zsh 4.3.17 or higher installed on your system if you would like to run the automated installation and make use of prezto.
Obviously prezto which is an awesome configuration framework for Zsh. Please note that I adjusted the paths to work with this repository.
Default set of settings for Mac OS X which are gratuitously stolen from @mathiasbynens and customized to my needs.
- coreutils: The GNU Core Utilities are the basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system.
- ack: Tool like grep, optimized for programmers.
- curl: Tool for client-side URL transfers.
- fortune: Simple program that displays a pseudorandom message from a database of quotation.
- git: Distributed version control system.
- git-extras: Some extras for
- git-flow: Extension to provide high-level repository operations.
- git-lfs: Extension for versioning large files
- node: Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable applications.
- tmux: Terminal multiplexer like screen.
- wget: GNU Wget is a free software package for retrieving files.
- docker, docker-compose and docker-machine: The basic docker toolbox
- n: Tool for Node.js version management.
- Pygments: Generic syntax highlighter.
curl -fsSL | /usr/bin/env zsh
Just do whatever you did before. In addition you also got a new command dotfiles
that you can use. It will update the desired packages and run the configuration.
dotfiles --no-configuration \ # Do not apply any configuration
--no-packages \ # Do not install/update packages
--no-sync \ # Do not sync with repository
--no-links # Do not create symbolic links
Note: To be able to run the synchronization you should commit the changes that you make.
To all the authors of the tools that are used by dotfiles and all the other dotfiles repositories.
Non-third party files are licensed under the WTFPL; terms and conditions can be found at: