This API connects to the authentication of MCH Plus, the blockchain game publishing service of
Please read the documentation below for how to use the API and which endpoints are exposed.
npm install mchplus-fiat-js
yarn add mchplus-fiat-js
import MchplusAuth from 'mchplus-fiat-js'
const clientId = 'mch' //set clientId. Published by doublejump
const currencyType = 'eth_value' // set currencyType *JPY→"jpy_value" , USD→"usd_value", ETH→"eth_value"
const mchplusFiat = new MchplusFiat(clientId, currencyType)
// call methods here
Generates a GoFiat redirect URL
await mchplusFiat.getGoFiatSession(logo_image_url, item_name, item_value, currency_value, tax_included, user_address, success_url, cancel_url)
//logo_image_url: string
//item_name: string
//item_value: integer
//currency_value: ETH(Specify by wei)→string, JPY→integer, USD→float *Choose one
//tax_included: boolean
//user_address: string
//success_url: string
//cancel_url: string