Simple as:
node archibolt.js
Everything you need to customize is located in config.js. It looks like this:
exports.config = {
host: 'some_host',
port: a_port,
user: 'ArchiBolt', // you can change it if you don't like the name
channel: '#the_channel_you_want_the_bot_in',
pluginsDir: 'plugins' // place of the plugins folder
Every plugin should be placed inside the pluginsDir (specified in config.js). The name of the folder should be the same as the plugin file name (ie random/random.js).
To create a plugin you simply have to create a class called "BotPlugin" with methods for an action you want to use. Possible actions:
- join (BotPlugin.prototype.join = ...) -- called when the bot joins a channel; received param: user
- part -- called when a bot leaves a channel; received param: user
- disconnect -- called when the bot gets disconnected; received param: user
- privmsg -- called when the bot receives a message (on the channel or on priv); received params: prefix, channel, text, user
Check the existing plugins for a more detailed example :) .
The IRC client class I've used is made by Tim-Smart and can be found here.