This is a project that uses N body Newtonian gravity and NASA data to simulate the solar system starting at 04/01/2021. It is written using Unity Version 2020.3.3f1.
These instructions assume you have Unity 2020.3.3f1 and UnityHub installed.
To compile and run yourself:
- Open Unity Hub, and on the projects tab click "Add" and select the source code directory.
- Select Unity Version 2020.3.3f1 on the project and start it. The first boot usually takes a while.
- In the Project window of the Unity Editor, double click Assets/Scenes/HorizonsSolarSystem
- Click the play button at the top center of the screen to run the game in the Unity Editor. You can also create an executable with File -> Build
Alternatively, a prebuilt executable for 64-bit Windows systems can be found here
Hold tab to pull up the settings menu, and left-click drag the mouse to rotate camera around the selected object. Use the scrollwheel to zoom in and out, holding shift makes zooming slower, ctrl faster.
- Velocity, positon, rotational period, axis obliquity data pulled from
- 3D Models from
- GLTFUtility used to import models.
- Vector3d used for high precision simulation.
- Real Stars Skybox Lite