The spectrumfitter package is an obect-oriented framework for fitting dielectric spectra.
The following lineshapes are supported (bold text refers to the class name):
- Debye - Debye dielectric relxation
- DHO - Damped harmonic oscillator
- Gaussian() - Gaussian function for imaginary part and corresponding real part.
- Constant() - constant function for real part, 0 imaginary part.
- ColeCole() - Cole-Cole dielectric relaxation
- VanVleck() - Van Vleck & Weisskopf lineshape [Rev. Mod. Phys., 17:227 236, (1945)]
- BrendelDHO - Brendel DHO [Ref: J. Appl. Phys. 71, 1 (1992) ]
- PowerLawDebye() - Debye lineshape with truncated power law wing. [J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (12), 6031 (2005)]
- StrExp - Stretched exponential relaxation lineshape (a non-analytic function).
Besides basic fitting it has several advanced features, such as:
- Use the f-sum rule as a constraint
- Use the generalized LST (gLST) relation as a constraint
- Fit and plot the longitudinal dielectric function
Example codes are shown in the examples