This News app application retrieves news data from, displays and saves it. You can retrieve data from web and save items to database or elete them. (CRUD Operations)
Clone this repository locally or download as a ZIP file.
Download the application using this link and install.
- Clean Architecture
- Coroutines
- Hilt
- Room
- Retrofit
- Glide
[✅] The application should be able to fetch news data from a news API (Use News API in the project).
[✅] Users should be able to switch between different categories within the application (e.g., sports, technology, politics).
[✅] There should be a main screen for each category displaying the latest news headlines.
[✅] Users should be able to click on a news headline to view the details of the news, including images.
[✅] The application should allow users to add news to their favorites.
[✅] Users should be able to filter news headlines by performing a search within the application.
[✅] The application must be developed using the Kotlin language.