At the end of this assignment, the students will
- Have worked in a team to develop a basic Hand-Written Digit Categorization system using various learning algorithms including:
- Artifcial Neural Networks (ANNs)
- Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
- k-Nearest Neigbhors (kNNs)
- Naive-Bayesian Model (NB)
- Have transformed a scanned bitmap dataset into features for training and testing;
- Have incorporated proper training/testing strategies, in particular cross-validation and simple statis- tical analysis of the results;
- Have communicated their results through a detailed written report.
Responsible for selecting the classifier, training, k-folding, creating results and saving models
Responsible for reading in DataSet/ and selecting whether to use one specific classifier or to use all the classifiers
Main point of entry to run the program
This directory contains scanned handwritten digits. The process took a set of digits written in individual cells, cropped them and resized them to fit a 32x32 bitmap. The files are stored as input_N_D_X.type where
- N represents the specific "user" number.
- D represents the specific "digit" 0-9
- X represents one specific instance (should be 10 instances per user per digit)
The bmp is an actual bitmap image that you can open in a graphical viewer but it requires a bit more processing to read in (though it isn't hard). The data is more human readable and easily read with a simple program. The format consists of one line WIDTH HEIGHT giving the dimensions of the image (e.g. 32x32) This is then followed by HEIGHT rows of WIDTH gray-scale values. The values range from 0 to 255 with 0 meaning BLACK and 255 meaning WHITE The json is a JSON data dump of the bitmap and is more machine readable. When loaded it should just be a two-dimensional array.
E.g. is the human readable scan of the 4th occurrence of digit 2 for user 3.
This directory contains scanned handwritten digits different from the ones in DataSet. This was used to make predictions using a specific classifier('our team used svcOvO') different models for Intelligent Systems(CSC 350) final assignment.
This directory contains the results of different classifiers during the testing phase of developing. The results contains mcc score, accuracy, precision, recall for each digit in each fold and a overall accuracy and mcc score for each fold.
This directory contains the models created from each classifier when training on the entire data in DataSet.
This contains the predictions and file number for each input in CompetionDataSet.