In this tutorial, I show how to perform enrichment analysis using two packages called Tidyverse
and clusterProfiler
for a non-model organism. The tutorial is designed to be a demo. Feel free to adjust the protocol accroding to your need.
You need at least two packages to do this analysis: Tidyverse
and clusterProfiler
. If you do not have them, please install them as follow:
install.packages(c("BiocManager", "devtools"))
If there is any error, please read the error message and try to install the missing package. For some OS, you need to install Rcpp
or other packages before you start the installation for these packages.
If you are completely new to the topic, I highly suggest that read about these two topics elsewhere:
We basically need 4 tables to do OAR:
- All genes that are present in our study
- A list of genes that for some reason are interesting for us
- A table that matches Term to Gene ID
- A table that matches Term to names
First, I cover GO enrichment analysis.
Let's use an example. Let's say I am interested in an alga called Meostaenium endlicherianum. I can perform functional annotation for its proteome (or genes) using different bioinformatic tools such as eggNOG-mapper, InterProScan, Funannotate, BLAST, etc. Let's assume that I used eggNOG-mapper to predict functional annotation for M. endlicherianum proteins and I have a table as eggNOG_mapper_m.endlicherianum_protein.emapper.annotations.tsv
. Let's assume that I want to perform analysis at gene level (instead of transcript level) and I assume that I can collapse attributes of all isoforms of a gene to that gene. Therefore, we can use the following piece of code to create term to gene table.
# prepare the term to gene table
eggNOG <- read_tsv("eggNOG_mapper_m.endlicherianum_protein.emapper.annotations.tsv") %>%
dplyr::select(GOs, `#query`) %>%
dplyr::filter(GOs != "-") %>%
separate_rows(GOs, sep = ",") %>%
mutate(gene = gsub("\\..*", "", `#query`)) %>%
select(GOs, gene) %>%
distinct() %>%
colnames(eggNOG) <- c("term", "gene")
There are different ways to map a GO term to a GO term. I used core ontology from gene ontology database. You can also look at different GO-term tables on different databases such as OLS.
# prepare the term to name table
ontology <- get_ontology(file = "go.obo",
propagate_relationships = "is_a",
extract_tags = "everything",
merge_equivalent_terms = TRUE)
eggNOG_term <- eggNOG %>%
mutate(name = ontology$name[term]) %>%
select(c(term, name)) %>%
distinct() %>%
drop_na() %>%
filter(!grepl("obsolete", name))
eggNOG <- eggNOG %>%
filter(term %in% eggNOG_term$term)
I can save both tables as follows:
# save the results
write_tsv(x = eggNOG, file = "term2gene_GO.tsv")
write_tsv(x = eggNOG_term, file = "term2name_GO.tsv")
We call all genes that are present in a study background. For example, if you are analyzing a RNA-Seq dataset, all genes that are expressed form your background (and not all annotated genes in the genome your are investigating). Let's assume I have a table that contains all genes that I believe they are expressed in my samples called counts_filetered_cpm.tsv
. I can create a background list as follows:
background_genes <- read_tsv("counts_filetered_cpm.tsv") %>%
dplyr::select("geneID") %>%
unlist() %>%
Let's assume that I have a table that contains log2(fold change) values of genes and adjusted p-values for different genes called comparison_6.tsv
(data is from Dadras et al. 2023)[]. We can calculate these tables based on RNA-Seq tables via edgeR, limma, DESeq2, etc. Please keep in mind that this is just an example. You can perform enrichment analysis with any kind of input data and it is not limited to RNA-Seq.
Let's assume that I am only instersted in genes that have abosulte fold change of 2 or more with adjusted p-value of at least 0.05. Then, I can create the list of interesting genes via:
# read the gene list of interest
interesting_set <- read_tsv("comparison_6.tsv") %>%
dplyr::filter(abs(logFC) >= 1 & adj.P.Val <= 0.05) %>%
dplyr::select("geneID") %>%
unlist() %>%
Now, I have prepared everything that I need. Therefore, I can perform ORA via clusterProfiler package with specific p- and q-values. For details of function input, please use the documentation of clusterProfiler. I saved the results of enrichment analysis as enrichmet_results.csv
. I also visualized the enrichment results via a dotplot. For more information about visualization please read the package documantation.
# perform ORA
term2gene <- read_tsv("term2gene_GO.tsv")
term2name <- read_tsv("term2name_GO.tsv")
enrichment <- enricher(interesting_set,
TERM2GENE = term2gene,
TERM2NAME = term2name,
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
universe = background_genes,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05)
#save the enrichment result
write.csv(file = paste0("enrichment_results.csv"), # EDIT THIS
x = enrichment@result)
if (any(enrichment@result$p.adjust <= 0.05)){
p <- dotplot(enrichment,
x= "geneRatio", # Options: GeneRatio, BgRatio, pvalue, p.adjust, qvalue
orderBy = "x", # Options: GeneRatio, BgRatio, pvalue, p.adjust, qvalue
font.size=8) +
ggtitle("dotplot for GO ORA")
ggsave(filename = paste0("enrichment_dotplot.pdf"), # EDIT THIS
plot = p, dpi = 300, width = 21, height = 42, units = "cm")
If you are interested to perform KEGG enrichment analysis, you have to create a table that annotate genes with KEGG ortholog IDs. There are different ways to do that including KAAS and eggNOG-mapper. Let's assume I want to use eggNOG-mapper for this tutorial. We have to prepare similar term to gene and term to name tables for KEGG. However, since clusterProfiler can work with KEGG ortholog under the hood, the task is a little bit easier. I saved the enrichment results as a table called enrichment_KEGG_restuls.csv
and visualized it via dotplot as enrichment_KEGG_dotplot.pdf
. The code is as follows:
eggNOG_kegg <- read_tsv("eggNOG_mapper_m.endlicherianum_protein.emapper.annotations.tsv") %>%
dplyr::select(KEGG_ko, `#query`) %>%
dplyr::filter(KEGG_ko != "-") %>%
separate_rows(KEGG_ko, sep = ",") %>%
dplyr::mutate(gene = gsub("\\..*", "", `#query`)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(term = gsub("ko:", "", KEGG_ko)) %>%
dplyr::select(term, gene) %>%
distinct() %>%
# create a list of kegg ortholog that I am interested in
interesting_set_kegg <- eggNOG_kegg %>%
dplyr::filter(gene %in% interesting_set) %>%
unlist() %>%
# create a list of kegg ortholog that includes all kegg orthologs which form my background
background_kegg <- eggNOG_kegg %>%
dplyr::filter(gene %in% background_genes) %>%
unlist() %>%
enrichment_kegg <- enrichKEGG(interesting_set_kegg,
organism = "ko",
keyType = "kegg",
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
universe = background_kegg,
minGSSize = 10,
maxGSSize = 500,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
use_internal_data = FALSE)
#save the enrichment result
write.csv(file = paste0("enrichment_KEGG_results.csv"), # EDIT THIS
x = enrichment_kegg@result)
if (any(enrichment_kegg@result$p.adjust <= 0.05)){
p <- dotplot(enrichment_kegg,
x= "geneRatio", # Options: GeneRatio, BgRatio, pvalue, p.adjust, qvalue
orderBy = "x", # Options: GeneRatio, BgRatio, pvalue, p.adjust, qvalue
font.size=8) +
ggtitle("dotplot for KEGG ORA")
ggsave(filename = paste0("enrichment_KEGG_dotplot.pdf"), # EDIT THIS
plot = p, dpi = 300, width = 21, height = 42, units = "cm")
If you want to perform GSEA, instead of a list of genes that are filetered based on some criterias, we need a list of genes and their changes (let's say fold changes). We can do this analysis similar to ORA as follows. I saved the results in a table called enrichment_GSEA_results.csv
and visualized it via a ridge plot called enrichment_GSEA_ridgeplot.pdf
# This time I am not filtering the changes
gsea_list <- read_tsv("comparison_6.tsv") %>%
gsea_input <- gsea_list %>%
dplyr::select(logFC) %>%
unlist() %>%
names(gsea_input) <- gsea_list$geneID
# do the analysis below
enrichment_gsea <- GSEA(geneList = gsea_input,
TERM2GENE = term2gene,
TERM2NAME = term2name,
minGSSize = 10,
maxGSSize = 500,
eps = 1e-10,
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
pAdjustMethod = "BH")
#save the enrichment result
write.csv(file = paste0("enrichment_GSEA_results.csv"), # EDIT THIS
x = enrichment_gsea@result)
if (any(enrichment_gsea@result$p.adjust <= 0.05)){
p <- ridgeplot(enrichment_gsea,
core_enrichment= FALSE,
orderBy = "NES",
showCategory=100) +
ggtitle("Ridge plot for GSEA")
ggsave(filename = paste0("enrichment_GSEA_ridgeplot.pdf"), # EDIT THIS
plot = p, dpi = 300, width = 21, height = 42, units = "cm")
There are many more ways to perform analysis and visualize your data using clusterProfiler or other packages such as g:Profiler. Always try to read the documents and try new things for yourself. Enjoy.