Python code for launching vim from anywhere. I am using this to input latex anywhere.
- xdotool
- xclip
- python3
- konsole
- Unable to paste the output through command.
- Not able to set shortcut for launching
- Change the shortcut for saving & closing the vim to
so that you canCTRL-d
for fast input. This can be done by appending the following lines to the end of.vimrc
" Remap save and exit to <ctrl>d
inoremap <C-d> <esc>:wq!<cr> " save and exit
nnoremap <C-d> :wq!<cr>
- Manually set the shortcut through KDE settings.
This code is mainly derived out of Gilles Castel's works on making tex input faster. Those shortcuts are part of my daily workflow now. Here is a link to his profile.