Aims of this project:
- Add MD analysis functionality to the validated protein interaction profiler PLIP using their Python API and MDtraj
- Automatically detect stable interaction and generate useful plots to monitor interactions over time
- Generate 2D and 3D representations of interaction structures
- Produce a command line interface to MD analysis to automatically carry out the most useful analysis
Implementation/ Workflow:
- Trajectory i/o
- Sampling of frames by random sampling or clustering
- Analysis of non-covalent interaction by PLIP
- Monitoring of detected interactions over the course of the simulation
- Generation of useful plots
- Create environment and install dependencies
conda create -n MD_PLIP -c conda-forge openbabel plip pymol-open-source matplotlib cairo rdkit scikit-learn
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Install md_plip (tested on windows and Ubuntu on WSL2)
pip install .
Running MD_PLIP in commandline can be as simple as -
md_plip --top "foo.pdb" --traj "bar.xtc"
Through using mdtraj, a variety of topology and trajectory file formats are available.
Output of md_plip -h
usage: md_plip [-h] --traj TRAJ --top TOP [--stride STRIDE] [--start START] [--sampling SAMPLING] [--nsample NSAMPLE] [--thresh THRESH]
[--max_clust MAX_CLUST] [--min_clust MIN_CLUST] [--pymol PYMOL] [--rmres RMRES] [--plot_thresh PLOT_THRESH]
Cluster a trajectory. Assigns correct chains to gromacs output pdb and cleans pdb from mdtraj
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--traj TRAJ Trajectory for clustering
--top TOP topology matching the trajectory
--stride STRIDE Load every nth frame
--start START Analyse interactions from frame n
--sampling SAMPLING Sampling method for interaction analysis. "cluster" = agglomerative clustering, "random" = random sampling for
simulation length.
--nsample NSAMPLE Number of samples for random sampling.
--thresh THRESH Distance threshold for agglomerative clustering.
--max_clust MAX_CLUST
Maximum number of clusters from agglomerative clustering - exits script if too many clusters are found.
--min_clust MIN_CLUST
Minimum number of clusters from agglomerative clustering - exits script if too few clusters are found.
--pymol PYMOL If true, will generate Pymol with interactions for each cluster/frame. For large numbers of frames this will increase
computation time.
--rmres RMRES Residues to remove for analysis - e.g. lipid molecules in membranes
--plot_thresh PLOT_THRESH
Plot interactions present in greater than n frames of the trajectory.
MD_plip is available as an importable python module. This includes functions to load the trajectory and sample frames for interaction analysis. The analysis functions are within the analysis class.
An example notebook is provided in this repo. Simple usage is shown below.
from MD_PLIP.md_tools.md_tools import load_traj, cluster_traj, analysis
### Load in and cluster Trajectory
t, topology = load_traj(top="topology.gro", traj="trajectory.xtc", start=25, rmres="POPC")
cluster_traj(t, nsample=50, save_files=False, outdir="../MD_dir/clusters")
### Perform Analysis
analyser = analysis(t, topology, "../MD_dir/clusters")
bsid = analyser.bsids[0]
analyser.analyse_bsid(bsid, save_files=False)
- Benchmarking
- Make installable by pip
- Improve 2D interaction plot label positioning