Comparing different machine learning algorithms in Python to classify drawings made in the game 'Quick, draw!'.
After training with a batch size of 10 and using 30 epochs for training both the training and validation set of images. The image sizes are 28x28 (std. MNIST dataset sizes)
- A convolution layer of size 5x5
- A Max pooling layer of size 2x2
- A smaller convolution layer with size 3x3
- A Max pooling layer of size 2x2
- Dropout layer with a probability of 20%
- Flatten layer
- Fully connected layer with 128 neurons and rectifier activation.
- Fully connected layer with 50 neurons and rectifier activation.
- Output layer. Keras requires one hot encoding of the y labels:
Convolutional Neural Network: 99.9%
Convolutional Neural Network: 99.6%