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This project is still in early alpha stage.

There is still a lack of many things that make good code - error handling, logging, input sanitation, optimization (around 3% CPU load on a RPi4), you name it.

vbus2mqtt is a bridge for VBus-enabled devices made by Resol (and some branded devices such as Viessmann, Wagner, ...) to MQTT implemented im Python.

The project basically consists of 3 parts:

  • Extraction of VBus Messages, Datagrams or Telegrams from a bytearray buffer and from a serial interface. Not all message types are supported/tested yet. Also, only reading is currently supported
  • VBus specification reader for *.vsf files according to its specification and interpreter for Messages
  • Aggregator/converter of transfer specification to the actual MQTT communication

Getting started

  1. Download the code here to a directory
  2. Get vbus_specification.vsf from the resul-vbus repository
  3. Install the required pip packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run to explore supported messages/fields (see below)
  5. Configure your vbus2mqtt.json
  6. Run and cross your fingers ;)

This tool can be used to inspect live data from the given serial port.


usage: [-h] -p PORT [-b BAUDRATE] [-v VSF] [-l {EN,DE,FR}] error: the following arguments are required: -p/--port

The serial port must be provided, baudrate will default to 9600 and the script will try to use vbus_specification.vsf and English descriptions. If the given file can not be found, only raw values will be shown.

Using a Raspberry Pi with my hardware, the command usually looks as following:

python3 -p /dev/serial0

All read values are printed until the script is terminated.


Reader started
  SRC: 0x7321 - Vitosolic 200 [Controller]
  DST: 0x0010 - DFA
    AA 10 00 21 73 10 00 01 12 38 0F 00 2E 01 05 3C
    62 01 38 22 04 3E 38 22 54 01 05 4B 4B 01 3F 02
    01 71 38 22 49 01 05 56 11 01 11 01 00 5B 00 00
    00 00 00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 7F
    18 01 00 00 00 66 47 00 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 00
    00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 7F 00 00
    53 00 00 2C 00 00 00 00 00 7F 01 03 14 05 00 62
    02 00 00 00 00 7D
  Checksum ok
  VER: v1.0 message
  CMD: 0x0100
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_000_2_0        Temperature sensor 1    14.30  °C
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_002_2_0        Temperature sensor 2    43.00  °C
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_004_2_0        Temperature sensor 3    35.40  °C
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_006_2_0        Temperature sensor 4    888.80  °C
<snip />
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_044_1_0        Pump speed relay 1      0 %
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_045_1_0        Pump speed relay 2      0 %
<snip />
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_058_2_0        Relay usage mask        83
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_060_2_0        Error mask      0
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_062_2_0        Warning mask    0
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_064_2_0        Controller version      769
    00_0010_7321_10_0100_066_2_0        System time     1300

The field identifiers (e. g. 00_0010_7321_10_0100_000_2_0 for Temperature sensor 1) are used for the vbus2mqtt configuration (see below) and can also be looked up in the the VBus Specification

In simple words: VBus in, MQTT out.

The usage (currently) doesn't even need a section. Just run the file, all the configuration is read from hard coded vbus2mqtt.json


The configuration is read with a json5 parser, therefore comments, trailing commas etc. are supported for easier testing and documentation.

The file currently consists of 4 sections:

  • mqtt:
  • plugins: plugins to do pre-processing of the data provided by VBus
  • transfers: mqtt topic content definitions

Section vbus

Configuration to the VBus interface. This should be pretty much self-explaining:


"vbus": {
    "serialport": "/dev/serial0",
    "baudrate": 9600,
    "vsf": "vbus_specification.vsf"

Section mqtt

Connection information to the server, topic prefix and last will configuration


"mqtt": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 1883,
    "user": "myuser",
    "pass": "mypass123",
    "topic_prefix": "vbus2mqtt/house/",
    "last_will": {
        "topic": "LWT",
        "online": "Online",
        "offline": "Offline"

topic_prefix is valid for all topics defined in the transfers section, leave it empty if you want to use full qualified names in that section. Mind the trailing slash if you want to have a sub-topic for the transfers.

last_will should be self-explaining. If you don't know what this is about: When the script starts, the topic vbus2mqtt/house/LWT will be published with Online as value in the above example. If the connection to the broker gets lost, it will publish Offline to the said topic. That's all. Currently, only one last will ist supported.

Section plugins

Not only raw values can be published, but also processing of is possible.


"plugins": [
        "name": "powercalc",
        "module": "VBusReaderPlugins:VrpSolarPower",
        "config": {
            "field_tin": "00_0010_7321_10_0100_004_2_0",
            "field_tout": "00_0010_7321_10_0100_010_2_0",
            "field_pump": "00_0010_7321_10_0100_044_1_0",
            "pump_flow": [0, 0, 0, 3.5, 4.5, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8],
            "medium": "tyfoclor_g-ls"

The name given to the plugin can basically be everything - this is used for reference in the assignment in the field transfers.

module contains the python module being loaded as well as the class to be instantiated, separated by a colon. In the example, class VrpSolarPower from is imported.

The config item is passed to the class' object when constructed. This data is completely dependent on the plugin. See below for more info.

Section transfers

This section is an array of objects that describe the data transferred to the MQTT broker, it contains multiple sub-sections.

"transfers": [
        "mqtt": {
            "topic": "panel_temp",
            "retain": false, // optional
            "qos": 0         // optional
        "trigger": {
            "type": "update"
        "type": "direct",
        "field": {
            "name": null,
            "item": "00_0010_7321_10_0100_000_2_0" // 0x7321 - Vitosolic 200 [Controller] -> 0x0010 - DFA - Temperature sensor 1

The item topic in the mqtt sub-section should be quite clear - as mentioned above, this value will be concatenated to the topic_prefix. In the given example, the topic would be vbus2mqtt/house/panel_temp.

retain can be true or false and will default to false if not provided. qos can be 0, 1, or 2 and will default to 0 if not provided.

The trigger type can be either update or interval.

  • With update, an update is sent if any of the items associated to the transfer is updated via a VBus message.
  • With interval, a second item with the key interval and a time value in seconds is expected in the sub-section.
  • Planned: change and a combination of change and interval to reduce traffic.

Example for an interval:

"trigger": {
    "type": "interval",
    "interval": 5

This publishes the data of the transfer every 5 seconds, regardless whether there was an update or change of the data.

There are 2 different types of transfers, either direct or json. First only allows the value of one item, latter allows multipe items including nesting.

Transfer type direct

When type is set to direct, the item field contains the reference to a single field that is published. See below for the different field types.

Please note that name must be provided, yet its content is ignored. Therefore it is recommended to set it to null. (I may come up with a better implementation)

Please also note that the key is field and not fields like for the json transfer type.

See above for an example.

Transfer type json

When type is set to json, the item fields is getting a bit more complex.

Best to start with an example:

"type": "json",
"fields": [
        "group": "temperatures",
        "fields": [
                "name": "panel",
                "item": "00_0010_7321_10_0100_000_2_0" // Temperature sensor 1
                "name": "heatx_in",
                "item": "00_0010_7321_10_0100_004_2_0" // Temperature sensor 3
        "group": "pumps",
        "fields": [
                "name": "pump1",
                "item": "00_0010_7321_10_0100_044_1_0" // Pump speed relay 1

With the data from way above, this will publish the following data:

{"temperatures": {"panel": 14.3, "heatx_in": 34.0}, "pumps": {"pump1": 0}}

Field sources

The examples above only show item references which will read fields from VBus messages.

In case the trigger type is set to interval, the key value pair max_age can be used to set the published data to null if the last received value is older than the given time in seconds. E. g.:

    "name": "panel",
    "item": "00_0010_7321_10_0100_000_2_0",
    "max_age": 10

will publish

{"panel": null}

if the last received value for vbus field 00_0010_7321_10_0100_000_2_0 is older than 10 seconds at the time of publishing.

Besides item, also the following keys can be used:

  • meta: Meta information of the software and communications, with the item values
    • comm:rxerr_cnt - Count of receive errors from VBus
    • comm:rxerr_last - Timestamp of last receive error (ISO8601)
    • comm:rxmsg_cnt - Count of received messages from VBus
    • comm:rxmsg_last - Timestamp of last received message (ISO8601)
    • sw:pid - Process ID of the script
    • sw:ramuse - RAM usage in bytes, not including the runtime environment overhead
    • sw:uptime - Uptime of the script in seconds
    • time:now - Current time (ISO8601), can be used to mark publishing date
  • plugin: Value from a plugin, see below

the plugin item references to the name of a plugin defined in the plugins section. The item function contains the method name prefixed with plugin_ of the plugin that's called to retreive the published value.


"field": {
    "name": "solar_power",
    "plugin": "powercalc",
    "function": "power"

This publishes the result when calling the method plugin_power of the object instanciated in the plugins section named powercalc.

As a mockup:
class VrpSolarPower():
    def plugin_power(self):
        return 1234

would publish

{"solar_power": 1234}

Plugin VBusReaderPlugins:VrpSolarPower

This plugin calculates the power received from the collector(s) using the input and output temperature at the heat exchangers "primary" side, the pump power resp. its flow rate and the thermal properties of the medium.

field_tin, field_tout and field_pump, contain the VBus field identifiers where the temperatures resp. pump speed is read from.

As a side note, these references must be put into self.subscriptions to hint the dispatcher to store the values.

pump_flow is an array of 11 elemnts that represent the flow rate for the medium in l/min for pump speeds between 0 ... 100%

the item medium can contain either a name (for now, only tyfoclor_g-ls) or an object with the characteristics of the heat transfer medium, to be precise the parameters for the point-slope form for both thermal capacity (in kJ / (kg * K)) as well as the medium's density (in kg/m³)

  • c_m: slope of thermal capacity (defaults to 0 if not provided; multiplied with average of tin and tout)
  • c_t: y-intercept of thermal capacity
  • rho_m: slope of density (defaults to 0 if not provided; multiplied with average of tin and tout)
  • rho_t: y-intercept of density


  • Add trigger type change and the combination with interval, also with threshold for values
  • Reconsider the implementation of transfer field names. Maybe change the type of fields from array to object which would also make the config a bit more compact but will likely break compatibility with the current config scheme.
  • CPU load is a bit high, profiling and code optimization is needed
  • Proper packaging of the components
  • Proper error handling & logging


A bridge for VBus-enabled devices to MQTT







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