Something isn't working as expected
New functionality or behavior
Something that needs to be done
An improvement or change in behavior to an existing feature/component
A bounty has been assigned
Changes to the build system
Improvements or additions to documentation
Updates or additions to tests
Changes to the user experience
Progress is unable to proceed due to something else blocking it
Progress on something else is blocked by this
This needs to be resolved ASAP
This should be addressed soon
This is missing something
This may not get resolved any time soon
This is no longer relevant
Additional work or information is requested
New functionality or change in behavior is required with the Bisq API
Approval is required from stakeholders before work can begin/proceed
Further information is necessary
New functionality or change in behavior is required with the Bisq core
Extra attention is needed
Further investigation is required
Tests are required to be added/updated
This needs to be reviewed