SLogo is a recreation of Logo - a popular children's coding language. Logo is a user-friendly, interpreted language, designed with a "low floor, high ceiling"; in other words, the designers of Logo intended for the language to allow novice programmers to get started quickly writing programs but also wanted the language to be powerful and extensive for more advanced users.
SLogo uses the MVC paradigm to allow the user to interact with the "turtles" (they can actually become anything you'd like if you upload a new image) on a per expression basis.
While the command names below are given in all capital letters, SLogo is not case sensitive. Note that any values used as parameters to a command may be the result of calling any of the commands below or a value stored in a variable. Thus all commands return a double value as described below. Also, commands can be formatted over any number of lines, including multiple commands on the same line, but they must be separated by one or more spaces.
Token | Syntax | Semantics | Examples |
Constant | [0-9].[0-9] |
any real valued number note, to avoid potential ambiguity in parsing there should not be a space between the negative sign and the value |
50 -1.3
Variable | :[a-z or A-Z] |
any word preceded by a colon, : note, if a variable name is used that has not previously been given a value, return a default value (i.e., 0) |
:distance :side |
Command | [a-z or A-Z] |
any word can be a command-name note, all commands return a numeric value note, built-in commands are given below and user-defined commands cannot reuse those names |
forward fd |
List | [ |
these brackets enclose a list of zero or more commands or variables note, to make parsing easier, these will always be separated from other tokens by spaces |
[ fd 50 rt 90 ] |
Comment | # |
Ignore any lines that are empty, i.e., only zero or more spaces, and lines that begin with the comment character, "#". | # a comment #fd 50 |
Name(s) | Description |
FORWARD pixels FD pixels |
moves turtle forward in its current heading by pixels distance returns the value of pixels |
BACK pixels BK pixels |
moves turtle backward in its current heading by pixels distance returns the value of pixels |
LEFT degrees LT degrees |
turns turtle counterclockwise by degrees angle returns the value of degrees |
RIGHT degrees RT degrees |
turns turtle clockwise by degrees angle returns the value of degrees |
SETHEADING degrees SETH degrees |
turns turtle to an absolute heading returns number of degrees moved |
TOWARDS x y | turns turtle to face the point (x, y), where (0, 0) is the center of the screen returns the number of degrees turtle turned |
SETXY x y GOTO x y |
moves turtle to an absolute screen position, where (0, 0) is the center of the screen returns the distance turtle moved |
puts pen down such that when the turtle moves, it leaves a trail returns 1 |
puts pen up such that when the turtle moves, it does not leave a trail returns 0 |
makes turtle visible returns 1 |
makes turtle invisible returns 0 |
HOME | moves turtle to the center of the screen (0 0) returns the distance turtle moved |
erases turtle's trails and sends it to the home position returns the distance turtle moved |
Note, for commands below that receive/return an index number, that index should refer to a list of graphical items (like an image or color) whose items are clearly available in the GUI with their number or order apparent (so the user knows how to refer to them within a command). Also, it would be helpful to populate each list with some initial default choices for the user.
Command | Description |
sets background color of screen to that represented by index returns given index |
sets color of the pen to that represented by index returns given index |
sets size of the pen to be pixels thickness returns given pixels |
sets shape of turtle to that represented by index returns given index |
SETPALETTE index r g b |
sets color corresponding at given index to given r g b color values returns given index note, color component values are nonnegative integers less than 256 specifying an amount of red, green, and blue |
returns turtle's current color index |
returns turtle's current shape index |
Command | Description |
ID | returns current active turtle's ID number ID values typically start at 1 and increase by 1 with each new turtle created note, there is technically only one "active turtle" at any given time since each command is run once for each active turtle, i.e., this value can always be used to identify the current turtle running the command |
returns number of turtles created so far |
TELL [ turtle(s) ] |
sets turtles that will follow commands hereafter returns last value in turtles list note, if turtle has not previously existed, it is created and placed at the home location note, if more than one turtle is active, commands run return value associated with the last active turtle |
ASK [ turtle(s) ] [ command(s) ] |
only the turtles given in first list all run commands given in the second list returns result of last command run by the last turtle note, after commands are run, currently active list of turtles returns to that set by the last TELL command (or default active turtle if TELL never given) note, if more than one turtle is active, commands run return value associated with the last active turtle |
ASKWITH [ condition ] [ command(s) ] |
tell turtles matching given condition to run commands given in the second list returns result of last command run note, after commands are run, currently active list of turtles returns to that set by the last TELL command (or default active turtle if TELL never given) note, if more than one turtle is active, commands run return value associated with the last active turtle |
Note, for commands below that receive/return an index number, that index should refer to a list of graphical items (like an image or color) whose items are clearly available in the GUI with their number or order apparent (so the user knows how to refer to them within a command). Also, it would be helpful to populate each list with some initial default choices for the user.
Command | Description |
sets background color of screen to that represented by index returns given index |
sets color of the pen to that represented by index returns given index |
sets size of the pen to be pixels thickness returns given pixels |
sets shape of turtle to that represented by index returns given index |
SETPALETTE index r g b |
sets color corresponding at given index to given r g b color values returns given index note, color component values are nonnegative integers less than 256 specifying an amount of red, green, and blue |
returns turtle's current color index |
returns turtle's current shape index |
Command | Description |
ID | returns current active turtle's ID number ID values typically start at 1 and increase by 1 with each new turtle created note, there is technically only one "active turtle" at any given time since each command is run once for each active turtle, i.e., this value can always be used to identify the current turtle running the command |
returns number of turtles created so far |
TELL [ turtle(s) ] |
sets turtles that will follow commands hereafter returns last value in turtles list note, if turtle has not previously existed, it is created and placed at the home location note, if more than one turtle is active, commands run return value associated with the last active turtle |
ASK [ turtle(s) ] [ command(s) ] |
only the turtles given in first list all run commands given in the second list returns result of last command run by the last turtle note, after commands are run, currently active list of turtles returns to that set by the last TELL command (or default active turtle if TELL never given) note, if more than one turtle is active, commands run return value associated with the last active turtle |
ASKWITH [ condition ] [ command(s) ] |
tell turtles matching given condition to run commands given in the second list returns result of last command run note, after commands are run, currently active list of turtles returns to that set by the last TELL command (or default active turtle if TELL never given) note, if more than one turtle is active, commands run return value associated with the last active turtle |
Name | Description |
XCOR | returns the turtle's X coordinate from the center of the screen |
YCOR | returns the turtle's Y coordinate from the center of the screen |
HEADING | returns the turtle's heading in degrees |
returns 1 if turtle's pen is down, 0 if it is up |
returns 1 if turtle is showing, 0 if it is hiding |
Name | Description |
SUM expr1 expr2 + expr1 expr2 |
returns sum of the values of expr1 and expr2 |
DIFFERENCE expr1 expr2 - expr1 expr2 |
returns difference of the values of expr1 and expr2 |
PRODUCT expr1 expr2 * expr1 expr2 |
returns product of the values of expr1 and expr2 |
QUOTIENT expr1 expr2 / expr1 expr2 |
returns quotient of the values of expr1 and expr2 |
REMAINDER expr1 expr2 % expr1 expr2 |
returns remainder on dividing the values of expr1 by expr2 |
MINUS expr ~ expr |
returns negative of the values of expr |
RANDOM max | returns random non-negative number strictly less than max |
SIN degrees | returns sine of degrees |
COS degrees | return cosine of degrees |
TAN degrees | returns tangent of degrees |
ATAN degrees | returns arctangent of degrees |
LOG expr | returns natural log of expr |
POW base exponent | returns base raised to the power of the exponent |
PI | Reports the number Pi |
Name | Description |
LESS? expr1 expr2 LESSP expr1 expr2 |
returns 1 if the value of expr1 is strictly less than the value of expr2, otherwise 0 |
GREATER? expr1 expr2 GREATERP expr1 expr2 |
returns 1 if the value of expr1 is strictly greater than the value of expr2, otherwise 0 |
EQUAL? expr1 expr2 EQUALP expr1 expr2 |
returns 1 if the value of expr1 and the value of expr2 are equal, otherwise 0 |
NOTEQUAL? expr1 expr2 NOTEQUALP expr1 expr2 |
returns 1 if the value of expr1 and the value of expr2 are not equal, otherwise 0 |
AND test1 test2 | returns 1 if test1 and test2 are non-zero, otherwise 0 |
OR test1 test2 | returns 1 if test1 or test2 are non-zero, otherwise 0 |
NOT test | returns 1 if test is 0 and 0 if test is non-zero |
Name | Description |
MAKE variable expr SET variable expr |
assigns the value of expr to variable, creating the variable if necessary returns expr |
REPEAT expr [ command(s) ] | runs command(s) given in the list the value of expr number of times returns the value of the final command executed (or 0 if no commands are executed) note, the value of the current iteration, starting at 1, is automatically assigned to the variable :repcount so that it can be accessed by the command(s) |
DOTIMES [ variable limit ] [ command(s) ] |
runs command(s) for each value specified in the range, i.e., from (1 - limit) inclusive returns the value of the final command executed (or 0 if no commands are executed) note, variable is assigned to each succeeding value so that it can be accessed by the command(s) |
FOR [ variable start end increment ] [ command(s) ] |
runs command(s) for each value specified in the range, i.e., from (start - end), going by increment returns the value of the final command executed (or 0 if no commands are executed) note, variable is assigned to each succeeding value so that it can be accessed by the command(s) |
IF expr [ command(s) ] | if expr is not 0, runs the command(s) given in the list returns the value of the final command executed ( (or 0 if no commands are executed) |
IFELSE expr [ trueCommand(s) ] [ falseCommand(s) ] |
if expr is not 0, runs the trueCommands given in the first list, otherwise runs the falseCommands given in the second list returns the value of the final command executed (or 0 if no commands are executed) |
TO commandName [ variable(s) ] [ command(s) ] |
assigns command(s) given in the second list to commandName using parameters given in first list as variables when commandName is used later in a program, any given values are assigned to variables that can be accessed when the command list is run and the value of the final command executed is returned (or 0 if no commands are executed) returns 1 if command is successfully defined, otherwise 0 |
- Alex Boss
- Hari Rajan
- Belal Taher
- Daniel Rubinstein
Date started: Feb 16
Date finished: Mar 10
Hours spent: 200+