Copyright 2010-2013 Frederick Ding & Kirill Peretoltchine
The BTS project aims to provide an efficient means of electronic event management, with barcoded tickets for quick sales and check-ins, licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
This is the server component of BTS -- the PHP application that hosts the XML/JSON API and presents the administration interface. The client component is still currently on a SourceForge Subversion repository.
This product includes software developed by Zend and the Zend Framework community.
This product includes code by Toni Van de Voorde. This product includes code by Chuck Burgess and Stephan Schmidt. This product includes code by Dean Edwards. This product includes code by Jason Johnston. This product includes code by Anthony Ferrera. This product includes Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce. This product includes code by Nicola Asuni and contributors of the TCPDF project.