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Programs made during Computer Vision Vertical of Winter School of Technology Robotix Society

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This repository was made to keep track of the programming files I made during the 2022 Winter School Workshop on Computer Vision conducted by Technology Robotix Society of IIT Kharagpur, as well as to document my learnings.

The final team project can be found in this repository.


Pre-requisite Packages:

  • Numpy: pip install numpy
  • OpenCV (cv2) : pip install opencv-python
  • Serial (For working with Arduino): pip install serial

Basics of Numpy

import numpy as np      					# to import the numpy package (imported as "np" for simplicity in typing)

a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])   # creates an array (rank = 2)
n,m = a.shape         					  # returns shape of the array (rows,columns)

b = np.zeros((n,m)								# fills an (m,n) array with zeros
c = np.full((n,m),x) 							# fills an (m,n) array with "x"

Basics of OpenCV (cv2)

Displaying an Image

import cv2 																	# importing the library
img = cv2.imread('image.png')								# reading the image (here it is image.png)

cv2.namedWindow('Window',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # creating a named window
cv2.imshow('Window',img) 										# showing the image in this window

cv2.waitKey(0)															# waits for user input after the no. of 			 milliseconds specified. If '0', it keeps checking for input
cv2.destroyAllWindows()											# destroys all open windows

Displaying a Matrix as an Image (With example of a circle)

  • In the case of grayscale images, 0 value in matrix represents black and 255 represents white, and different intensities are present between 0 to 255.
  • In this case we create an array of type (m,n).
  • In the case of color images, we need to create a 3-dimensional array with a value between 0-255 for each color (in the order B, G, R), 0 representing minimum intensity and 255 representing maximum intensity of that color.
  • In this case we create an array of type (m,n,3).
  • While displaying a matrix as an image, we need to convert it to type uint8, which is the one compatible with OpenCV.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
matrix = np.full((800,800),255) # making a completely white image first

# looping through the pixels of the image
for i in range(matrix.shape[0]):
    for j in range(matrix.shape[1]):
    		# (400,400) is centre, 400 is radius
    		# we will use eqn of circle to check if pixel needs to be colored black
            matrix[i,j] = 0



Creating a Trackbar

  • A trackbar can be created using the cv2.createTrackbar() function.
  • The parameters required are: Trackbar name, Window name, Default value, Maximum value, and function to be executed (with argument as trackbar value)
  • Here is an example:
"""Creating a trackbar to control brightness of image"""
import cv2
import numpy as np

add_value = 25 # default value by which brightness is incremented
img = cv2.imread('grayDog.jpeg',cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # reading already present image

def incBrightness(value):
  	# The trackbar value becomes the value by which brightness is incremented
    global add_value 
    add_value = value
cv2.namedWindow('Image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)


    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
        for j in range(img.shape[1]):
            if img[i,j] < 250 - add_value:
                img[i,j] += add_value
                img[i,j] = 255

Exploring some Inbuilt Functions of OpenCV Fundamentally

Converting RGB Image to Grayscale Image

Elementary Method: 3 Ways

  1. Taking average of B, G, R values:

    matrix[i,j] = 0.33*b[i,j] + 0.33*g[i,j] + 0.33*r[i,j]
  2. Since human eye can perceive green color the most, we give it the most weightage:

    matrix[i,j] = 0.114*b[i,j] + 0.587*g[i,j] + 0.299*r[i,j]


    matrix[i,j] = 0.07*b[i,j] + 0.72*g[i,j] + 0.21*r[i,j]
  3. Taking sum of greatest and lowest out of the B, G, R values:

    matrix[i,j] = 0.5*max(r[i,j],g[i,j],b[i,j]) + 0.5*min(r[i,j],g[i,j],b[i,j])

Inbuilt Function:

  • Using OpenCV's inbuilt function cvtColor() with flag COLOR_BGR2GRAY
img = cv2.imread('image.png')
matrix = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

Translating an Image

Elementary Method:

  • Creating a new blank matrix of the same dimensions, and transferring the pixels by applying the translation
# here tx and ty are the translations in x and y respectively
if(i>tx and j>ty): #ensuring that it doesnt go out of bounds
	new_matrix[i,j] = img[i-tx,j-ty]

Inbuilt Function:

  • Using OpenCV's inbuilt function warpAffine()
# we first create an array that represents translation in x and y
matrix = np.array([[1,0,tx],[0,1,ty]],dtype=np.float32)
new = cv2.warpAffine(src=img,M=matrix,dsize=(n,m)) 

Rotating an Image

**Elementary Method: **

  • Creating a new blank matrix of a larger dimension ( to avoid going out of bounds) and shifting each pixel using rotation formula
# here theta is the angle by which image needs to be rotated (in radians)
s = math.sin(-theta)
c = math.cos(-theta)
new = np.full((1000,1000,3),0) 
# We move from the centre to left and right
for i in range(int(-n/2),int(n/2)):
    for j in range(int(-m/2),int(m/2)):
        new[500+int(i*c+j*s),500+int(j*c-i*s),0] = img[int(n/2)+i,int(m/2)+j,0]
        new[500+int(i*c+j*s),500+int(j*c-i*s),1] = img[int(n/2)+i,int(m/2)+j,1]
        new[500+int(i*c+j*s),500+int(j*c-i*s),2] = img[int(n/2)+i,int(m/2)+j,2]

Inbuilt Function:

  • Using OpenCV's inbuilt functions getRotationMatrix2D() and warpAffine()
# here the angle theta is in degrees NOT radians
center = (n/2,m/2)
rotated_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center=center,angle=theta,scale=1)
rotated_img = cv2.warpAffine(src=img,M=rotated_matrix,dsize=(n,m))

Padding an Image

Elementary Method:

  • Creating a new larger matrix with color as that required of padding, and transfering the pixels while leaving space at the borders.
matrix = np.full((n,m,3),0)
for i in range(n):
     for j in range(m):
         if (i>20 and i<n-20) and (j>20 and j<m-20):
            matrix[i,j,0] = img[i-20,j-20,0]
            matrix[i,j,1] = img[i-20,j-20,1]
            matrix[i,j,2] = img[i-20,j-20,2]

Inbuilt Function:

  • Using OpenCV's inbuilt function copyMakeBorder()
matrix = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img,20,20,20,20,cv2.BORDER_NORMAL,None,(255,0,0))
  • After the parameter img, the next four parameters are the distances of the border from top, bottom, left and right respectively
  • The different border types are:
    • BORDER_NORMAL: Constant colored border -> Color will be in (B,G,R) form (last parameter)
    • BORDER_REFLECT: Border will be mirror reflection of the image
    • BORDER_REFLECT_101 or BORDER_DEFAULT: Slightly different from BORDER_REFLECT
    • BORDER_REPLICATE: Replicates the last element

Resizing an Image

Elementary Method:

1. Upsizing

  • Create a new matrix of dimensions that will be more than the original dimensions by the factor of the scale
  • Loop through the original image and fill a corresponding square of size scale*scale in the new matrix with the color of the original image
# here 'scale' is the scale by which it is upsized
matrix = np.full((n*scale,m*scale,3),255)
for i in range(img.shape[0]):
	for j in range(img.shape[1]):
    for a in range(scale*i, scale*(i+1)):
      for b in range(scale*j, scale*(j+1)):
        matrix[a,b] = img[i,j]

2. Downsizing

  • Create a new matrix of dimensions that will be less than the original dimensions by the factor of the scale (it should be rounded to an integer)
  • Loop through the original image and for each square of size scale*scale, calculate the average of the B, G, R values and fill the corresponding pixel of new matrix with this average
new_n, new_m = int(n/scale), int (m/scale)
matrix = np.full((new_n,new_m,l),0)
for i in range(new_n):
  for j in range(new_m):
    for a in range(scale*i, scale*(i+1)):
      for b in range(scale*j, scale*(j+1)):
        sum_b += img[a,b,0]
        sum_g += img[a,b,1]
        sum_r += img[a,b,2]

Inbuilt Function:

  • Using OpenCV's inbuilt function resize() (for both upscaling and downscaling)
  • Here it is to be noted that the dimensions are taken in reverse order, i.e., (columns,rows) instead of (rows, columns)
# the new scaled dimensions of the image are 'n_new' and 'm_new'
matrix = cv2.resize(img,(m_new,n_new),interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)

Reversing an Image

Elementary Method:

  • Creating a new matrix and transfering the pixels from original image in reverse order
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(m):
        matrixX[i,j] = imgMatrix[n-i-1,j] # reversed about X
        matrixY[i,j] = imgMatrix[i,m-j-1] # reversed about Y
        matrixXY[i,j] = imgMatrix[n-i-1,m-j-1] # reversed about X and Y

Inbuilt Function:

  • Using OpenCV's inbuilt function flip()
matrix = cv2.flip(img,flipCode) # flipCode: 0=>Vertical, 1=>Horizontal, -1=>Both

Annotating an Image

  • We can annotate an image with a line or a circle.
# annotating a line:
ptA = (x1,y1)
ptB = (x2,y2)
# draws a line through the image from ptA to ptB
# annotating a circle:,center,radius,color,thickness,lineType)
# Giving thickness as -1 makes it a filled circle

Erosion of an Image

  • Done to remove noise from image

    # 'kernel' stores the dimensions of the matrix that will be used as kernel

Dilation of an image

  • Done to increase white regions in image

    # 'kernel' stores the dimensions of the matrix that will be used as kernel

Thresholding of a Greyscale Image

  • This is done to obtain a perfect binary image

  • If a pixel has value <127, it is converted to 0.

  • Similarly, if a pixel has value >127, it is converted to 255.

    for i in range(img.shape[0]):
      for j in range(img.shape[1]):
        if (img[i,j]<127):
          img[i,j] = 0
          img[i,j] = 255

HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) Color Space

  • HSV is used more often in CV because of its superior performance in varying illumination levels as compared to RGB. It helps us do better segmentation and filtering on objects even under varying resolution and lighting conditions.

  • Hence thresholding and masking (covered later) is usually done in HSV color space.

  • Hue is the color which lies in [0,179]

  • Saturation is the greyness which lies in [0,255]

  • Value is the brightness which lies in [0,255]

Conversion from BGR to HSV
  • We use OpenCV's inbuilt function cvtColor() with flag COLOR_BGR2HSV

    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

Edge Detection Methods

1. Sobel Filter

  • Used to get gradient in each direction.
cv2.Sobel(img, ddepth, dx, dy, ksize)
  • dx and dy: direction in which you want to take gradient

  • ksize: size of filter (kernel) which could be 3,5,7

  • ddepth: taken as CV_64F

2. Canny Edge Detection

  • Involves 4 steps of processing rather than just finding intensity gradient:

    1. Noise Reduction (5x5 Gaussian Blur)

    2. Finding Intensity Gradient of Image (Sobel)

    3. Non-Maximum Suppression

    4. Hysteresis Thresholding

  • maxVal and minVal are values used in Hysteresis Thresholding; generally taken in ratio 2:1 or 3:1

3. Hough Line Transformation:

  • Used to detect curves in binary images after they have undergone edge detection (edges depicted as white).
  • It works by analysing each pixel in the image and plotting them in a (theta,r) space (Hough plane) if they are white.
  • The number of intersecton points gives number of unique lines and coordinates of each such point guves parameters of each of those lines
  • img: 8bit, single-channel binary source image

  • rho: resolution of parameter r

  • theta: resolution of parameter theta (in radians)

  • threshold: minimum number of intersections to "detect" a line

  • Read docs for more information

4. Contours and Contour Hierarchy:

  • Contour:
    • A curve joining all the continuous points (along a boundary), having same color/intensity.
    • It is also found on binary image.
    • Before finding countours, thresholding/canny edge detection is done.
    • Finding contours is like finding white object from black background, so that colors should be maintained.
    • Using cv2.findContours() you can get a list of all the contours and their hierarchy.
    • Then you can use cv2.drawContours() to draw those.
    • Read docs for more information
  • Contour Hierarchy:
    • If a contour is completely within the other, it is a child.
    • Otherwise, it is a sibling.

Template Matching

  • A method for searching and finding the location of a template image in a larger image.

    cv2.matchTemplate(image, template, method) 
  • Different methods:

    • TM_SQDIFF: Squared difference between template and image

    • TM_SQDIFF_NORMED: Normalise the output of SQDIFF

    • TM_CCORR: Multiply the two images together (Cross Correlation). If they line up exactly, they will give highest value. Used generally for signal processing (resonance).

    • TM_CCORR_NORMED: Normalise the output of CCORR

    • TM_CCOEFF: Subtracts mean of template and image from themselves before comparing to give better results.

    • TM_CCOEFF_NORMED: Normalise the output of CCOEFF

  • It returns a grayscale image, where each pixel denotes how much the neighbourhood of that pixel matches with template.

  • To find maximum score:

    min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc() 
  • min and max loc are x and y coordinates of top-left corner

  • min and max val are the length and breadth respectively

Detecting Multiple Objects

  • Use matchTemplate to give grayscale image.

  • Use thresholding to get best output.

  • **Limitations: ** This method preserves the orientation of the image, so it won't work if the image is rotated.

Corner Detection

  • We check the intensity and if there is large intensity variation in all directions, it is a corner.

1. Harris Corner Detection

  • blockSize: neighbourhood size
  • ksize: size of filter (kernel), usually taken as 3.
  • K: Harris detector free parameter, usually taken as 0.04.
  • This returns a grayscale image with "R" values at each point.
  • This image is thresholded (0.01 * max) to get the corner points.


# HSV thresholding done for better result
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
# define range of color required in HSV, which can be different according to need
lower,upper = np.array([30,150,50]),np.array([255,255,100])

# threshold the HSV image with this range
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper) # returns white for all areas that lies in this range, and black for those that lie outside

res = cv2.bitwise_and(img,img,mask=mask) # we do bitwise AND of mask with image

Working with Videos in OpenCV

import cv2 
import numpy as np

vid = cv2.VideoCapture('video.mp4') # if we give '0' instead of video path, it captures video from our webcame 

while 1:
    ret, frame = 				#ret is True or False, denoting whether it was successful
    cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
    # cv2.waitKey returns a 32 bit binary number which corresponds to pressed key 
    # & (bitwise operator) extracts last 8 bits, and does & with 11111111 (0xFF)
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
  • Here is an example of canny edge detection on a video:

    import cv2 
    import numpy as np
    vid = cv2.VideoCapture('video.mp4') 
    while 1:
        ret, frame = 
        cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
        lower,upper = np.array([30,150,50]),np.array([255,255,100])
        mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper) 
        res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame,frame,mask=mask) 
        edges = cv2.Canny(res, 100, 200) 
        cv2.imshow('edges', edges)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

Path-Finding Algorithms

1. Breadth-First Search (BFS) Algorithm

  • We traverse all the siblings first, then the children.
  • The data structure used is QUEUE (First In First Out)
  • We go to first line, add all the elements to queue.
  • Then we traverse the children of the top-most element of the queue while adding them to the queue, then pop it.
  • This is done until the queue is empty.


  B     C
D     E   F
  • A first, then B, C, then pop A.
  • Then from B we traverse D, and pop B.
  • Then from C to E and F, and pop C.
  • Then pop D, then E, then F directly as they do not have any children.
  • Now the queue is empty
  • Order in queue: FEDCBA (A in the front)

2. Depth-First Search (DFS) Algorithm

  • We traverse all the children first, then the siblings
  • The data structure used is STACK. (Last in First Out)
  • We go to first line, add all the elements to stack.
  • Then we pop the stack and traverse that element's children.
  • This is done until the stack is empty.


  B     C
D     E   F
  • A first, then B,C.
  • Then pop C and traverse E and F.
  • Then pop F, since it has no siblings, we pop E, and again it has no siblings.
  • Then pop B and traverse D, then pop D.
  • Now the stack is empty.
  • Order in stack: DFECBA (A in the front)

For shortest path traversal, we go for BFS over DFS

3. Dijkstra's Algorithm

  • We use this method in connected graphs, where certain elements are connected to each other.

  • There is a cost for traversing from one element to another.

  • We try to find a path such that the cost is minimized.

  • We set the distance of each pixel from the start as infinity, but if it is connected to the start pixel, the distance becomes equal to the cost.

  • In the next iteration, we find the element with shortest distance, and from there check if distance of any of the elements can be modified, based on the following formula outlined in pseudo-code:

  • if distance to connected element > ( distance to current element + cost from current to connected) :
      update distance to connected as distance to current + cost
  • Similarly we keep iterating until we reach the end.

4. A* Algorithm

  • This algorithm is very similar to Dijkstra's Algorithm.
  • The salient difference is that, we also factor in a heuristic function (usually the distance from the current element to the end element) while checking for the element with the shortest distance.
  • This results in a more guided and hence faster algorithm.

  • For image traversal, we consider the image as a tree, wherein the adjacent pixels to one pixel will be considered its children, and each children pixels are siblings of each other.

Blob Detection

  • Blob: Binary Large Object, which is basically a set of adjacent pixels having the same color.
  • To find blobs: iterate through each pixel, once you find one pixel of interested color, then check its neighbourhood, and when you find another pixel of same color, check neighbourhood of that, and so on.
  • Thresholding is done before finding blobs for more efficiency.

Blob Detection Using BFS and DFS algorithms:

import cv2
import numpy as np

img1 = cv2.imread('blob.png',0)
#Blurring it first
img1 = cv2.blur(img1,(5,5)) #(5,5) is kernel size
n,m = img1.shape
img2 = img1.copy() # to perform BFS

# then applying thresholding: 
for i in range(img1.shape[0]):
    for j in range(img1.shape[1]):
        if img1[i,j]>127:
            img1 [i,j] = 255
            img1[i,j] = 0 
for i in range(img2.shape[0]):
    for j in range(img2.shape[1]):
        if img2[i,j]>127:
            img2 [i,j] = 255
            img2[i,j] = 0 

def checkDFS(x,y):
    img1[x,y] = 127 #to imply we have visited that pixel
    # checking every child of (x,y)
    if x>0 and img1[x-1,y]==255:
    if x<n-1 and img1[x+1,y]==255:
    if y>0 and img1[x,y-1]==255:
    if y<m-1 and img1[x,y+1]==255:
    if x>0 and y>0 and img1[x-1,y-1]==255:
    if x>0 and y<m-1 and img1[x-1,y+1]==255:
    if x<n-1 and y>0 and img1[x+1,y-1]==255:
    if x<n-1 and y<m-1 and img1[x+1,y+1]==255:

queue = []
def checkBFS(x,y):  
    global queue
    img2[x,y] = 127 #to imply we have visited that pixel
    #checking every child of (x,y)
    if x>0 and img2[x-1,y]==255:
    if x<n-1 and img2[x+1,y]==255:
    if y>0 and img2[x,y-1]==255:
    if y<m-1 and img2[x,y+1]==255:
    if x>0 and y>0 and img2[x-1,y-1]==255:
    if x>0 and y<m-1 and img2[x-1,y+1]==255:
    if x<n-1 and y>0 and img2[x+1,y-1]==255:
    if x<n-1 and y<m-1 and img2[x+1,y+1]==255:

countDFS = 0
countBFS = 0
for i in range(img1.shape[0]):
    for j in range(img1.shape[1]):
        if img1[i,j]==255:
            countDFS+=1 # keeps track of number of blobs
for i in range(img1.shape[0]):
    for j in range(img1.shape[1]):
        if img2[i,j]==255:
                x,y = queue.pop(0)


Implementation of Path-Finding Algorithms

Working with Arduino in Python

  • We use the serial library to work with Arduino in the Python programming language, as opposed to C++ which is the language usually used for Arduino programming

  • **Here is a simple sample code: **

    import serial
    import time
    arduino = serial.Serial(port='COM5', baudrate=9600, timeout=.1)
    def write_read(x):
        arduino.write(bytes(x, 'utf-8'))
        value = arduino.readLine()
        return value
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        while 1:
            num = input("Enter a number: ")
            val = read_write(num)
    • in Serial() function:

      • port: Port of the Arduino microcontroller, can be found via Arduino IDE
      • baudrate: The speed at which data is transfered between the two communicating systems (PC and Arduino). It is the equivalent of the number entered in Serial.begin() in C++.
      • **timeout: ** The timeout value. It is the equivalent of Serial.setTimeout() in C++.
    • By using python to work with Arduino, it opens up a lot of possibilities for using python libraries for Arduino, including OpenCV.

    • This could be used in making projects like a self-driving car, which was the intention of task 2 of the Winter School Team Project.


Programs made during Computer Vision Vertical of Winter School of Technology Robotix Society






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