Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree: Project 2
An Android application that allow users to discover the most popular movies playing. It's a movie browser built from scratch and inspired by Material Design.
Git clone
the repo and import it in Android Studio- Obtain your own API Key from https://www.themoviedb.org/
- Add your key to the field marked API_KEY in gradle.properties
- WARNING: The app will crash on startup if the API Key is not added
minSdkVersion 16
- Displays a grid of movie posters upon launch
- Movies can either be sorted by Popularity or Rating
- The sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated
- Tapping on a movie poster displays additional details on a new screen
- Movies can be added to a favorites list which can be viewed offline
- Movie trailers can be played and shared
- Comes with a light and a dark theme
- Supports multi-pane layouts for tablets
- Fully adheres to Material Design guidelines
- Followed good programming practices such as adding all strings to strings.xml and dimensions to dimens.xml
- Used fragments to add support for devices with larger screen sizes
- Made app production ready by taking care of all edge cases and handling exceptions
- Followed MVC pattern to deal with REST APIs