ConfuserEx is a open-source protector for .NET applications. It is the successor of Confuser project.
ConfuserEx是一个.NET应用程序的开源混淆加密程序。 它是Confuser项目的继承者。
- Supports .NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/4.6/4.7/4.8
- Symbol renaming (Support WPF/BAML)
- Protection against debuggers/profilers
- Protection against memory dumping
- Protection against tampering (method encryption)
- Control flow obfuscation
- Constant/resources encryption
- Reference hiding proxies
- Disable decompilers
- Embedding dependency
- Compressing output
- Extensible plugin API
- Many more are coming!
符号重命名(支持WPF/BAML) 针对调试器/探查器的保护 防止内存转储 防篡改保护(方法加密) 控制流混淆 常量/资源加密 引用隐藏代理 禁用反编译器 嵌入依赖项 压缩输出 可扩展插件API 更多功能等你来
english | 中文 |
Automatically load existing plug-ins from the plug-in directory | 从插件目录中自动加载存在的插件 |
Add Chinese language resources | 添加中文语言资源 |
protection | english | 中文 |
AntiDe4dot | Prevents usage of De4Dot. | 防止使用De4Dot反编译 |
AntiWatermark | Removes the ProtectedBy watermark to prevent Protector detection. | 删除水印,以防止被检测到混淆器 |
AntiDump | Prevents the assembly from being dumped from memory. | 禁止从内存转储程序集 |
Constant | This protection encodes and compresses constants in the code. | 对代码中的常量进行编码和压缩 |
EreaseHeader | Overwrites the whole PE Header. | 清除整个PE标头 |
OpCodeProt | Protects OpCodes such as Ldlfd. | 混淆操作码,例如Ldlfd |
FakeObfuscator | Confuses obfuscators like de4dot by adding types typical to other obfuscators. | 将典型混淆器类型添加到模块中,用于防止反混淆器检测。(如 de4dot) |
LocaltoField | This protection marks the module with a attribute that discourage ILDasm from disassembling it. | 用特性来标记模块,禁止ILDasm反编译它 |
Anti DnSpy | Prevents assembly execution if dnspy is detected on disk | 防止使用DnSpy调试程序集 |
Anti Virtual Machine | Prevents the assembly from running on a virtual machine. | 禁止程序集在虚拟机上运行。 |
Mutate Constants | Mutate Contants with sizeofs. | |
New Control Flow | modified version of IntControlFlow from GabTeix. | 新的流程混淆模块 |
Reduce Metadata Optimization | Reduces the size of assembly by removing unnecessary metadata such as parameter names, duplicate literal strings, etc. | 通过删除不必要的元数据(如参数名、重复的文本字符串等)来减小程序集的大小。 |
Confuser.CLI.exe <path to project file>
The project file is a ConfuserEx Project (*.crproj
The format of project file can be found in docs\
[assembly: Obfuscation(Exclude = False, Feature = "-watermark")]
[Obfuscation(Exclude=false, Feature="-rename")]
<rule pattern="true">
<protection id="rename" />
<rule pattern="namespace('Your.Namespace.Here') and is-type('enum')">
<protection id="rename" action="remove" />
<rule pattern="inherits('System.Web.UI.Page')" preset="none">
<protection id="rename">
<argument name="renPublic" value="false" />
<rule pattern="match-type-name('DataObject')" inherit="false">
<protection id="rename" action="remove" />
<rule pattern="not is-public() and is-type('serializable')">
<protection id="rename">
<argument name="forceRen" value="true" />
<rule pattern="inherits('System.Enum') and is-public()" inherit="false">
<protection id="rename" action="remove" />
module 判断模块名称
namespace 判断命名空间完全匹配,支持一个参数,支持正则
member-type 判断成员类型,支持一个参数,可用参数为type、method、propertym getter、propertym setter、eventm add、eventm remove、eventm fire、other、field、property、event、module
name 完全匹配名称(Name),不支持正则
match 匹配全名称(FullName),支持正则,非完全匹配
match-name 匹配名称(Name),支持正则,非完全匹配
match-type-name 匹配类型名称,支持正则,非完全匹配
is-type 判断是否指定类型,支持一个参数,可用参数为enum、interface、valuetype、delegate、abstract、nested、serializable
is-public 指示成员可见性
inherits 指示类型是否从指定类型继承
has-attr 比较是否具有指定特性(attribute)
full-name 比较定义全名(definition)
decl-type 比较声明类型全名(declaring type)
<protection id="rename">
<argument name="renameArgs" value="true" />
<argument name="renPublic" value="true" />
<argument name="mode" value="decodable" />
<argument name="password" value="This password is secret" />
renameArgs 是否重命名参数
forceRen 是否强制重命名
renPublic 是否重命名公开类型
renEnum 是否重命名枚举
password 重命名时生成新名称的密码
See the Issues Report section of website.
Licensed under the MIT license. See for details.
0xd4d for his awesome work and extensive knowledge!