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My vimrc

This is my entire vimrc (vim settings) file. I have tried many plugins over the years and I feel the current setup is quite ideal. I've also added some custom vim functions and shortcuts. I would invite you to read through the file to learn about all its features.

System Requirements for YouCompleteMe

  1. You have to use the official python distrubutor in shell (avoid from anaconda)
  2. You may need update your vim.


cd ~/git

git clone --recursive [email protected]:mjlaali/vimrc.git

or to install YouCompleteMe with CLang support:

./ --YCM-clang --YCM-install-libs

Now launch vim and enjoy! you're all set.

The file is organized in the following sections:

  1. Plugins: all plugins organized by Vundle
  2. Plugin options: customize your plugins here
  3. General settings: vim settings, such as tabs, syntax color, etc
  4. Key remap: useful shortcuts, such as F7 to launch NERDTree
  5. Functions: my own Vim functions

Plugin highlights

Here are a few plugins you absolutely need to know about, check .vimrc for the rest. Remember to checkout the plugins' respective github page for usage info on the plugins. In case you're not aware, if the plugin name is godlygeek/tabular, then the webpage is

  • Vim startify: simply type vim in your CLI, look at the beautiful menu
  • Vim-easymotion: most used plugin ever. Type leaderw, now every word in the buffer has a quick shortcut combination. You can do the same with lines and more.
  • NERDtree: tree explorer for Vim. Shortcut: F7
  • Vim session: a session manager for Vim. Saved sessions will also appear in Vim startify.
  • Tabular: align things easily in Vim. Shortcut: tt

Custom features

I'll highlight a few functions and feature which I wrote and find handy.

Note, your leader key is probably the backspace key.

Switch Window function

This function is a huge timesaver. After splitting your views vertically with CTRL-wv, you'll notice the windows are numbered. To switch to window [2], simply type leader2.

Todo lists

Pressing leadert will generate a to-do list in a quickfix window. Jump to the next item in the list with CTRL-j and the previous with CTRL-k.

Copy to clipboard

In normal mode, type :Clip and the entire buffer is copied to the clipboard. This requires xclip on Linux.

Useful Remaps

Some key remaps I can't live without.

  • j-k: switch to normal mode. No more searching for ESC!!!
  • F7: Toggle NERDTree
  • tt: Shortcut for :Tabularize /, the second most used plugin ever.
  • F8: Opens a tag bar on the right. Assumes you ran ctags.
  • F12: Toggles "pastemode" on and off. Required when pasting code from clipboard.

Fix solarized theme

If the solarized theme is not displaying properly, you need to set it up for Terminal as well. Simply do the following.

wget --no-check-certificate
mv dircolors.ansi-dark .dircolors
eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors`
git clone
cd gnome-terminal-colors-solarized
rm -Rf gnome-terminal-colors-solarized


My .vimrc







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