After cloning the repository, the script will symlink all the dotfiles to your home folder.
$ git clone [email protected]/amedr/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles && ./
- nerdtree: A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem.
- vim-fugitive: May very well be the best Git wrapper of all time.
- vim-rspec: A lightweight Rspec runner.
- vim-coffee-script: CoffeeScript support. It handles syntax, indenting, compiling, and more.
- html5.vim: HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax.
- vim-handlebars: Help you editing Handlebars files.
- vim-trailing-whitespace: Highlights trailing whitespace in red.
- ctrl-p: Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
- vim-javascript-syntax: Enhanced javascript syntax file.
- vim-indent-guides: Visually displaying indent levels in code.
- vim-javascript: Improved Javascript indentation and syntax support.