A GitHub user Android apps using Dagger 2, MVVM, Modularization, Clean Architecture, and Airbnb Epoxy. There are 2 features on this apps:
- Discover GitHub users.
- Get detail information of the user.
- Kotlin - built with 100% Kotlin.
- Kotlin Coroutines - synchronous and asynchronous programming.
- Jetpack Components
- Navigation
- ViewModel
- Material Components
- ViewBinding
- Dagger 2 - dependency injection.
- Clean Architecture - separates code into layers.
- Modularization - separating logical components of project into discrete modules.
- Epoxy - library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView.
- Retrofit2 - REST APIs.
- Moshi - modern JSON library.
- Glide - load images.
- Timber - logger.
- Chucker - an HTTP inspector.
- MockK - mocking unit testing.
This apps uses Clean Architecture to separate code into layers (Data - Domain - Presentation).