Hello Developers,
I have started a journey through "Microservices Learning Series" – an all-encompassing course tailored for developers keen on mastering the art of building scalable, efficient, and resilient Microservices using the .NET Core platform. This comprehensive guide covers a myriad of technologies, including Docker, Identity Server 4, Rabbit MQ , GRPC, SQL Server, MongoDB, PostGreSQL, Redis, Ocelot.
Course link : https://www.udemy.com/course/creating-net-core-microservices-using-clean-architecture/
Key Highlights:
Microservices Architecture: Delve into the design pattern where applications are structured as independent modules, fostering ease of development, testing, and deployment within well-defined boundaries.
Hands-on Experience: Gain practical insights into Docker managing your Microservices effectively.
Security Integration: Learn how to implement Identity Server 4 for robust authentication and authorization within your Microservices ecosystem.
Messaging with Rabbit MQ: Explore messaging capabilities to facilitate seamless communication between Microservices.
Efficient Communication: Harness the power of GRPC for efficient communication channels between Microservices.
Database Optimization: Configure and optimize SQL Server, MongoDB, PostGreSQL, and Redis databases to enhance Microservices performance.
API Gateway Management: Utilize Ocelo to manage your Microservices API gateway.
Project`s Architecture :
and if you wanna test the project; first you should clone it to your pc, then you can run this command in the project`s path :
and if you wanna check the containers and their logs, you can have an access to them by using Portainer on :