This is a repository of Algoritma Data Science Series: Automate - Business Reporting with R by Algoritma. This repository contains a beginner-friendly introduction to automate business reporting with R. By learning how to automate various business reports, you will have more time to focus on what matters the most.
The syllabus includes:
- R Markdown
- Introduction to R Markdown
- Generate Report from R Markdown
- Parameterized Reports
- Basic Data Analytics in R
- Data Science Workflow
- Basic Programming in R
- Tidying Messy Sheets in R
- Statistical Reports
- Statistical Descriptive
- Statistics Model
- Automate Your Repetitive Report
- Reproducible Function in R
- Intro to Shiny
- Combining Shiny and R Markdown
The course material in HTML document can be accessed inside its respective folder, including its additional materials. You can also access the full course material in the bookdown format at
Happy LeaRning!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Nabiilah Ardini Fauziyyah 🖋 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!