A multi object detect and track Library Based on tensorrt
本算法的主框架采用了JDE+deepsort结构,其中由JDE算法检测出人的坐标与其对应的外观特征,然后基于deepsort的方法进行目标与运动轨迹的匹配。 JDE中的检测框架则采用了YOLOV5 L 的模型结构。
CSTrack3_0.yaml为本网络的模型结构,模型训练的代码大部分借鉴了CSTrack原文作者的开源项目,这里不再开源,大家有兴趣可以阅读CSTrack论文。 需要注意的是,本项目由于追求速度将CStrack的CCN和SAAN模块改成了JDE模块,也就是直接在anchor上提取reid特征并没有进行detect和reid的解耦模块。 如果读者需要的话可以自行修改,这样可以提升IDswich方面的性能。
- JDE: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.12605v1.pdf
- CSTrack: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.12138.pdf
- YOLOV5: https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5
- DeepSort: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.07402.pdf
- ubuntu 18.04 for x86
- gcc/g++ >= 7.5.0
- opencv >= 3.4.8
- cuda >=10.0 cudnn >= 7.6
- tensorRT >= 7.0.0
- (Optional) ffmpeg (used in the video demo)
- modify track/CMakeLists.txt Change opencv and tensorRT to your local directory
- modify demo/CMakeLists.txt Change opencv and tensorRT to your local directory
- modify demo/src/main.cpp Change video path to your local directory
- sh make.sh
- cd demo/build
- ./itest
- cd PytorchToTensorRTGIE
- modify CMakeLists.txt Change opencv and tensorRT to your local directory
- download jde.wts file
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- ./yolov5 -s
- #Verify detect results
- ./yolov5 -d ../sample/
- TensorRT GIE Model File: [Baidu] key: 6yc6.
Download the model and put it to /weight/
- .wts File: [Baidu] key: c30n.
Download the model and put it to /PytorchToTensorRTGIE/
A large portion of code is borrowed from wang-xinyu/tensorrtx and sephirothhua/DeepSort_yoloV3-HOG_feature and , many thanks to their wonderful work!