This repository is made for the tutorial session on July 26-27.
July 26 (Tuesday) 15:00 - 18:00 (?) on Zoom
- Introduction to pycharm (code editor)
- Presentation of pyiron_base (i.e. general architecture of pyiron)
- Presentation of different classes in pyiron_atomistics (LAMMPS, SPHInX, VASP, Murnaghan etc.)
- Writing workflows
July 27 (Wednesday) 9:00 - 12:00 (?) Hopefully hybrid meeting -> come to CM seminar room
- Workflow on GitHub
- Getting a dev environment setup on the cluster
- Refactoring, i.e. how to write beautiful python codes
- Unit tests & Docstring
- Peer-review of pull requests from the previous day
- Introduction to easy issues
- Discussion