BooksStorage is a Microservices Web/API application written in C#, Angular and Go, also using technologies like Docker and Kubernetes to deploy and MongoDB to store books. BooksStorage works as an application with a web view to search and consult added books on the database while using backend API's to feed and retrieve storaged books on the database.
In the start of the project, BooksStorage was supposed to be just a backend API for storaging Books in a MongoDB Collection, dedicated to use only for my DevOps studies, because a DevOps engineer needs a project to deploy, but instead of using someones project, I decided to create one project and use it. The project evolved to a little bit more than I was planning, but the best thing is that I'm now able to undestand a lot of development details that are attached to the DevOps culture and the deployment tools like Kubernetes. Another main goal of this project is to study tech that I wished to apply on something, so then I created this piece by piece while learning new things. I'm still building this project as a opportunity to grow my skills and make something.