Production Bundle Sizes
Format | Size |
CJS | 6.39 KB (2.01 KB Gzipped) |
UMD | 5.56 KB (1.88 KB Gzipped) |
ESM | 5.78 KB (1.88 KB Gzipped) |
Rollup changes
We no longer include a
file in our compiled distribution. Following the pattern React uses, we now include CommonJS, UMD, and ES Module files in separate directories. All have a.js
This means the dist
folder structure that gets generated on build now uses the following pattern:
Previous |
dist/kickoff-react-components.js |
dist/kickoff-react-components.mjs |
New |
dist/cjs/kickoff-react-components |
dist/esm/kickoff-react-components |
dist/esm/kickoff-react-components |
Additionally, the files will now alter their names based on whether they were built in
, and whether or not they are minified.