This project provides tools to calculate and visualize Hyperoperation.
Bundle the javascript:
browserify lib/main.js -o public/javascript/bundle.js
Generate a .csv of some points. (these parameters are about as much as my computer can handle):
python -5 1 1 6 7 3 10
Start the server:
node ./bin/www
Visit localhost:3000
Start with:
HOSTNAME=myHostname PORT=myPort node ./bin/www
- Arbitrary operator identities
- Generalizing the domains of m and u from the set of naturals to the set of integers or reals.
- API versioning
- Prevent text from highlighting when graphs are clicked
- Switch from storing generated points in a csv to storing generated points in a database
- Add a paragraph explaining the meaning of the graph
- Node start is not working on production
- Generalize n to numbers which are not positive integers
- Generalize m to rationals