Install NVM and from it install NodeJs version 20.10.* NodeJs -v Latest -
OpenSSL -v Latest -
NPM 10.2.3
PHP 8.2.12
Composer Install Version 2.6.6 -
*Optional install symfony CLI -
Go to api folder from root directory
cd api
php composer.phar self-update
or if you have composer installed globally use this command
composer self-update
php composer.phar install
or if you have composer installed globally use this command
composer install
generate jwt token - php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair
generate jwt token - php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair --overwritecd
Go to ui folder from root directory
cd ui
npm install
Open ui folder from root directory
npm start
Open api folder from root directory
symfony server:start
OR if you do not have symfony CLI
php bin/console server:run
To Create Rooms for the listings (the command creates 2 rooms)
php bin/console create-rooms
To Create an Admin run
php bin/console create-admin
email: [email protected]
password: Admin123!
To Create 2 Rooms (in case there are none) run
php bin/console create-rooms