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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

0_official ✉️
0_official :envelope:
An official issue or .information
awaiting-response 👁️‍🗨️
awaiting-response :eye_speech_bubble:
Issue is waiting for a response.
concern_high ❗
concern_high :exclamation:
High level of concern, fix implemented as soon as possible.
concern_low ❕
concern_low :grey_exclamation:
Low level of concern, fix implemented in next public release.
concern_neutral 〰️
concern_neutral :wavy_dash:
Neutral level of concern, fix implemented last of issues.
A feature that will enhance the mod in some way.
feature_planned ⏲️
feature_planned :timer_clock:
A feature planned for the future.
feature_tweak 🔧
feature_tweak :wrench:
A feature that is going to be changed.
general_duplicate 2️⃣
general_duplicate :two:
A duplicate of an existing issue.
general_feature 🟦
general_feature :blue_square:
A feature.
general_question ❔
general_question :grey_question:
A question.
general_wont_fix ❌
general_wont_fix :x:
An issue that will not be fixed.
issue_bug ⚙️
issue_bug :gear:
Something isn't working as intended.
issue_crash 💥
issue_crash :boom:
Something is causing the game to crash.
issue_external-mod ↪️
issue_external-mod :arrow_right_hook:
Another mod is causing issues.
issue_forge_version 🔢
issue_forge_version :1234:
The mod is not working properly due to forge version differences.
issue_weirdness ❓
issue_weirdness :question:
The mod is not working properly due to an unknown issue.
platform_curse-forge 🛠️
platform_curse-forge :hammer_and_wrench:
Issue originally posted to CurseForge.
platform_discord 💬
platform_discord :speech_balloon:
Issue originally posted to Discord.
platform_github 🗯️
platform_github :right_anger_bubble:
Issue originally posted to GitHub.
Issue originating from Modrinth.
request_feature 🆕
request_feature :new:
A request for a new feature.
request 🧾
request :receipt:
A request in general.
status-stale 😑
status-stale :expressionless:
An issue that has been open for a while without a response.