A Tamper-/Greasemonkey script to check for Steam VAC Bans
- Install Tampermonkey for Chrome or Greasemonkey for FireFox.
- Open view the Raw code for VAC-Checker.user.js
- Install the script in Tempermonkey or Greasemonkey
- Navigate to your friends recently played with page.
- The script will use automatic the Steam API to get a list of VAC bans for those users on that page 😉.
Pro tip: This script also works on your friend's friends list! Just go to their profile page, click "Friends" on the right panel, And see their friend's vac bans!
- Valve blocked any traffic from any non-Valve official URLs.
- For some strange reason Valve blocks their API when you use HTTPS.
- You can Google the error that gets displayed in console for more info.
- Solution is open the HTTP site of the friends list
1.0b3 - added Steam new V6 design support (reload the page if he doesn't show anything)!
1.0b2 - added Steam Community Groups!
1.0b1 - first script Released!
Credits go out to MrHayato. His idea inspired me to write a version that can be easily used as a tamper-/greasemonkey script.