GMP is library that provides an interface for DMP (Dynamic Movement Primitives). It is based on the DMP formulation presented in this paper
- Encoding and generalization of a kinematic behaviour.
- Online adaptation to via-points.
- Off-line optimization under kinematic constraints.
- Onl-ine MPC-like optimization under kinematic constraints.
- matlab
- c++
Both interfaces are implemented in a similar way employing the same classes and functions (except for some small exceptions due to the specific structure of each language).
The matlab libraries are located in src/lib/matlab
and the c++ libraries in src/lib/c++
armadillo It's best to have the latest version of armadillo installed. Older versions might cause strange runtime errors (that are not related to armadillo in any obvious way).
OSQP library Binaries are already included in the osqp_lib folder which is ros package wrapper for the libary. To update the library to the latest version, run:
Examples are provided in the package src/gmp_test
both in matlab and c++.
To run the matlab code, first setup your matlab search path. To do so, open a matlab,
browse to src\gmp_test\src
and from the matlab command prompt type:
To run the c++ code, you have to build it first. To do so, open a terminal, browse to the repository head and type:
matlab: from matlab, browse to
and run:nDoF_gmp_test
c++: open a terminal, browse to the repository head and run:
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch gmp_test nDoF_GMP_test.launch
To plot the results, from matlab browse to
and run:nDoF_gmp_plot
You can also alter the simulation parameters by changing the ros parameters from
matlab: browse from matlab to
and run:orient_gmp_test
c++: open a terminal, browse to the repository head and run:
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch gmp_test orient_GMP_test.launch
To plot the results, browse from matlab to
and run:orient_gmp_plot
You can also alter the simulation parameters by changing the ros parameters from
The package has additionally IO functionalities for reading/writing data from/to binary files, provided by the class
. Each variable has a name-identifier assigned to it, which is used to write or read the variable. In general, it works like this for writing:% data to write A = rand(4,5); v = rand(1,3); str = 'Hello World!'; gmp = GMP(6, 30); % DMP with 6 DoFs and 30 kernels per DoF gmp_o = GMPo(40); % orientation DMP with 40 kernels % write to file fid = FileIO('my_data.bin', FileIO.out); fid.write('my_vector', v); fid.write('my_message', str); fid.write('some_matrix', A); gmp_.write(gmp, fid, 'my_gmp'); % use dedicated function for writing GMP gmp_.write(gmp_o, fid, 'o_gmp');
and to read:
% read from file (in any order you like) fid = FileIO('my_data.bin',; gmp = GMP(); % create empty object, fid, 'my_gmp'); % use dedicated function for reading GMP A ='some_matrix'); gmp_o = GMPo(); % create empty object, fid, 'o_gmp'); v ='my_vector'); str ='my_message');
To see more details on how it works, check the examples
in the foldersrc\gmp_test\src\simulation
. The API is almost identical for c++ and compatible with the matlab API. Therefore you can read from c++, data written in matlab and vice versa.
If you are using GMP for your work, you are encouraged to
- Cite the related papers:
@INPROCEEDINGS{9562059, author={Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Doulgeri, Zoe}, booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, title={A Reversible Dynamic Movement Primitive formulation}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={3147-3153}, doi={10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9562059}}
- Put a star on this repository.