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Alex van den Berg edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 5 revisions

Framework Helpers


The string helpers class contains helper function especially made for string manipulation

Function Description
StripAfterString Remove all chars in a string after a specified string
IsInvalidDate Returns boolean telling if the specified date string is a valid date
Pad Pad a specified string with numbers or chars
SplitString Split a string using a specified delimiter on a specified posistion
StringBetween Get the string between two specified chars
Mid Get the string between the start and end posistion
JoinString Create a string from a array using the specified delimiter
StartsWith Tells if a string begins with a specified string, returns boolean
EnsWith Tells if a string end with the specified string, returns boolean
Contains Tells if a string contains the specified string, returns boolean
IsNullOrWhiteSpace Returns a boolean, telling if the specified string is a whitespace or null
Escape Mysql or json escape a specified string
TruncateEllipsis Truncates a specfied string at the specified posistion if longer than the specified length


Helpers can be used for various purposes

Function Description
MapPath The MapPath method maps the specified relative or virtual path to the corresponding physical directory on the server
GeneratePincode Generates a 4 digit pincode
PushArrayIntoArray Pushes the given array into another array
FirstOrDefault Gets the first item from a specified array
RepairJson Repairs a json string by removing invisible chars
GetMimeType Gets the mimetype of a specified file
Now Gets the now date and returns the date as a string
GetPageContent Gets the content of a specified url. It will download the content and return it as a string
CreateFolderIfNotExists Creates a folder if it not already exists
GetFileContent Get the contents of a file on the server, uses the MapPath method
DownloadExternalFile Downloads a external file to the server, based on the specified url
RandomInteger Creates a random integer between the specified lower and uperbound values
NewGuid Generates a guid


Use the converter helpers to convert values

Function Description
ArrayToObject Convert a array to a specified object / model
ToMoney Converts a specified value to a money value with eurosign - example: € XX,XX
ToSizeFormatFromBytes Converts to a string containing MB, GB, KB, etc. - example: XX GB
ToPercentage Converts two integer values to a percentage
SecondsToTimeserial Converts seconds to a timeserial like XX:XX:XX


Various helper function for the current remote device

Function Description
UserAgent Gets the current user agent
DeviceType Gets the current device type (computer, mobile, etc.)
IP Gets the current IP address
Hostname Gets the current hostname
OS Gets the current operatingsystem
Browser Gets the current used browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc.)
DeviceGuid Gets the device guid based on the loggedin userId, IP and OS
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