- To cover all essential topics of Javascript so that you can start with React or Node or any other framework/library.
- Atleast worked with any other language before.
- Basic knowledge of HTML/CSS.
- Nodejs installed.
- Browser installed preferably Chrome.
- VS Code.
- (optional) Install Live Server extension .
There will be a series of sessions, each of which will be about a group of topics. Please note the agenda of that session and try to explore the topics that will help you to understand the concepts better.
- 1hr - Theory & Demo
- 20mins - Doubts
- Javascript Introduction and little bit touch on history
- Running Javascript in Browser/Nodejs
- Data Types
- Primitive Data Types
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Null
- Undefined
- Symbol
- Non Primitive Data Types
- Object
- Array
- Function
- Date
- many more
- Primitive Data Types
- Data type checking
- typeof
- instanceof
- Array.isArray()
- isNaN()
- Operations on Data types
- Conditionals
- if
- else
- else if
- switch
- Loops
- for loop
- while loop
- do while loop
- for in loop
- for of loop
- Functions
- Function Declaration
- Function Expression
- Anonymous Function
- Arrow Function
- Higher Order Functions
- Callback Function
DOM Manipulation
- document selectors
- HTMLCollection and NodeList
- Creating Elements
- Modifying Elements
- Adding Elements
- Removing Elements
DOM Events
- Event Listener
- Event Bubbling
- Event Delegation
DOM Traversal
- Parent Node
- Children / Child Node
- firstChild / lastChild
- Next Sibling Node
- XMLHttpRequest
- Fetch API
- Axios
Asynchronous Javascript
- callback
- then/catch
- Promise
- Async/Await
Will decide based on the interaction.
- Prototype
- Classes
- Modules
- ES6 features if left to be covered
Link | Note (if any) |
https://github.com/Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-JavaScript | A step by step guide for beginners in JS (highly recommend) |
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript | It's like Documentation for Javascript or web in general |
https://javascript.info/ | It's for deep dive in web dev concepts |
https://eloquentjavascript.net/ | A good book for JS |