- Language : C++11,C++14
- IDEs : Code::Blocks,Dev-C++,Hackerearth IDE
- Debugger : Code:Blocks(debugger),GDB Online debugger
- System : Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
- Platform : Hackerearth
The contest was all about competitive coding and introduces basic level of all concepts used in competitive coding .This is a 45 days long challenge with 15 different topics (13 topics -problems sets of 3 or 4 questions,2 topics -MCQ Quiz). It was a great journey from #Day1 to #Day45. I learned a lot about STL (containers,iterators,algorithms,etc.). Really,the power of C++ is way more than i was thinking before this challenge.
- Tutiorals (including Links from different websites like Hackerearth,Codeforces,Topcoder,etc.)
- Practice-Problems (including Links from different websites like Hackerearth,Codeforces,Topcoder,etc.)
- Problems (These are set of 3 or 4 problems on Hackerearth for online assessment.)
In every three days a problem or quiz set is released at 12:00 pm
Template:- Topic{extra description,if required} < Refrence Problems in the contest >
1. Basic Input Output < Alice and Balls , Ryuk and Assignment , Stan hates breaks!>
2. Loops and Patterns < Bank Locker, Numtrix , Alpha-Web >
3. Array Manipulation < Quieries! , Ryuk loves Apple , Water Tanks ,Querirs!(Harder version) >
4. String Manipulation < Parenthesis Game , Saitama's Hero Name , Chrissy and Choclates >
5. Bit Manipulation < Play with Xor , Help Midorya , Civil-war! >
6. Implementation < Kholi and dot balls , Dexter's Algorithm ,Bingo! >
7. Basic time complexity analysis,precedence,and associativity rules, types of error < MCQs >
8. Recursion and its complexity analysis < Vaibhav's Path , PocketMonsters , Conway's Game of Life >
9. Maths {GCD,recursive GCD,exponention,modular exponenentiation} < Lottery , Chapter 85: The Basement , Its Simple >
10. Searching and Sorting < Limited Edition T-shirts , Lots of Buckets!! , Chrissy Loves Physics >
11. Pointers < MCQs >
12. Stacks and Queues < Stack ExSum , Parenthesis Game , Tokyo Ghoul >
13. STL < Max Min Modulo , Boku No Hero Academia , Joker-Thief , Max Min Modulo(Hard version) >
14. Set Theory and Combinatorics < Lazy Boss , de_dust2 , Secure Chernobyl >
15. Graph Theory {DFS,BFS} < Ultra Instinct , Even Probability , Last Day >