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PISAM is a full 3D discrete particle model tailored for modeling deuterium atoms and molecules in fusion plasma. PISAM has been coupled with the 2D turbulent edge plasma model HESEL. PISAM is implemented in Python while HESEL is implement in the C++ framework BOUT++. The two codes are coupled using MPI. The details on the developments of PISAM as well as the implementation in Python and coupling to HESEL is described in detail in my thesis, which can be downloaded from this repository as the file Kristoffer_Kvist_Master_Thesis.pdf.


Installing BOUT++

For information on BOUT++ see,, where you can download the source code and get instructions for installation. For HESEL to be supported in its current implementation build BOUT++ using "./configure --options" followed by "make", not using cmake as otherwise recommendet. The current coupling of PISAM is only tested using OpenMPI with gnu compilers, which is the recommended setup.

Compiling HESEL

To compile HESEL add the line "export BOUT_TOP=/your/BOUT/installation/path" to your bash.rc file, and run "source .bashrc". HESEL can now be compiled using make.

Python dependencies

The python dependencies for using PISAM-HESEL are:

numpy scipy wheel pickle5 importlib-metadata h5py netCDF4 Pillow mpi4py matplotlib setuptools_scm

If you have python3 set up with pip, you should be able to run "bash install_py_dependencies", and all the nessecary dependencies will be installed. You might have to point directly to OpenMPI mpicc binary when installing mpi4py, see

Setting up PISAM

To setup PISAM for the first time run "make PISAM_setup"


To run PISAM-HESEL use mpirun -n number_of_cores_HESEL ./hesel : -n number_of_cores_PISAM python3 This assumes you have a BOUT.inp file in the folder /data. If your BOUT.inp file is located elsewhere use the option -d 'path/to/BOUT.inp/dir'. This option should be used after the hesel AND! python executables.

Setting of PISAM-HESEL in BOUT.inp

To run PISAM-HESEL the switch kinetic_plasma_neutral_interactions in line 65 in BOUT.inp should be set to 1. All other setting are in the [kinetic_neutrals] part of BOUT.inp. The arrays of PISAM are preallocated, so if the inflow rate of neutrals is set too high you will cause an input out of bounds error. In this case go to the [kinetic_neutrals] part of BOUT.inp and lower the inflow rate or preallocate larger arrays.


Kinetic neutral model coupled to HESEL






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  • Python 49.9%
  • C++ 49.5%
  • Other 0.6%