View public transit networks with an interactive map based on GTFS data.
Current features:
- Show departures for a selected station
- Show trips with intermediate stops and route on the map.
- Colorful map with service frequencies per day
transit-viewer is written in Rust and Javascript. It uses Postgres/Postgis as database, Rocket as REST-API and Leaflet for the slippy map.
Install postgresql and the postgis extension.
Create user and database in postgresql
CREATE USER transitviewer;
CREATE DATABASE transitviewer OWNER transitviewer;
\connect transitviewer
Adjust database name in Rocket.toml
url = "postgresql://transitviewer:mypassword@localhost/transitviewer"
Download your favorite GTFS feed, e.g. from here
Import the GTFS feed into the database. This can take a few minutes for large datasets.
cargo install --path import-gtfs
import-gtfs "host=localhost user=transitviewer" --feed-title "My GTFS Feed"
Start REST API server
cargo run
In the web browser: