Michael Metcalf Bishop, [email protected]
Acknowledgements: I owe thanks to Joyce Tabor for assistance but any errors are my own. Please submit/push suggestions for improvements and I'll add your name here. Cite: https://github.com/MichaelMBishop/inschoolAddHealth
Data Source: inschool.xpt - Wave 1, In-School Survey, Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
Purpose: Provide the fastest best way to understand and begin analyzing this data Original variables are recoded such that 1) most are given more meaningful variable names 2) all missing codes become system missing 3) many vars are given labels 4) most categorical variables are encoded as class "factor" with labelled responses
Change the location of the data indicated in the first few lines of code.Then, if you already have the listed packages installed, the remainder of the code may be executed at once.
Inevitably, one must make some arbitrary choices, (e.g. see coding of race and ethnicity) I've tried to make everything as transparent as possible, but please see the in school codebook to be certain you understand the data.