#Here are all my data science exercices and projects, You'll find a lot of learning material in the folder Learning. You can find specific material in subfolders and basic studies and notebooks also.
- Learning
- Projetos de dados
Data Science studies
Studies of Big Data & Spark
Python Exercices
Aplied Statistics for Data Science
[K-Means-Klustering] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[K-Nearest-Neighbors] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[NaiveBayes-Materiais-de-Apoio] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[Random-Decision-Tree] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[Regressao-Linear] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[Regressao_logistica] Learning and exercices with all datasets - There's a project in this folder
[Support-Vector-Machines] Learning and exercices with all datasets
Machine Learning Studies, there's a file of sentiment studies using twitter in this folder.
[Geographical Plotting] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[Matplotlib] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[Plotly e Cufflinks] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[Seaborn] Learning and exercices with all datasets
[Visualização de dados incorporada do Pandas] Learning and exercices with all datasets
Viewing data with Python
Projects I was doing while learning