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This python based application will be used to create a specific folder structure and import media from SD cards.
- It can create a directory structure like this:
| |_Final
| |_RAW
| |_ProjectFiles
| |_Music
| |_FusionClips
- Scan and detect media files from external devices (USB drives, SD cards, etc.)
- Move files into correct folders from above by three methods
- Manual Import: Select individual files to import
- Auto Import: Automatically moves all files on device to folders
- Date Import: Automatically moves files select based on date to folders
- Create Date Import method
- Create 2 frames for organizing GUI
- Clean up the look of GUI
- Continue building on classes for future functions
- Create Import Date button functionality
- Remove 'Move' button from GUI
- Change 'Find' to 'Manual Import' and shift to the right
- Move 'quit' button to bottom right
- ClearQueue after copy job
- Refresh button next to device dropdown
- Display each section on the fly
- First is the browse/create
- Then Manual or Device choose
- Lastly bottom frames
- Lastly, start over