This repository is for my personal learning journey with learning how to use Arduino and a little bit of C++
I don't have much prior experience, especially when it comes to programming, so right now a lot of the concepts I am learning are very new to me. However, so far, it has been really interesting, and I'm having a lot of fun. I definitely want to learn more about coding
To build and run the files as is, you will need to use the Arduino IDE.
I am using Arduino IDE 2.1.2. The download and documentation can be found on their website here.
I am also using the FastLED library, downloaded from within the IDE's library manager.
(No longer using FastLED, I'm gonna use an RGB OLED module i got recently so that will have its own library too)
This code has only been tested with the circuit components that I currently have, meaning that it has not been tested with other boards or modules.
Board: Arduino Nano
Joystick Module: keyestudio Joystick Module
- Wire Joycon Z or momentary push button between a Digital I/O pin.
- Wire Joycon X and Y pins into seperate Analog pins.
- Wire the joycon positive and ground pins into the Nano's 5V and Ground pins
- So far I've just been using the Arduino's power via the USB connection to the computer, I haven't tested with external power sources yet.
Be safe and smart , I highly reccomend to not follow what I am doing especially when it comes to the hardware Because I am definitely not qualified xoxo