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Add Cardano.Api.Experimental.Tx
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This module introduces the UnsignedTx type. This is meant to replace
cardano-api's TxBody type
UnsignedTx type has the benefit of being a thin wrapper around the
ledger's Tx type which allows us to easily leverage the lenses and type
classes exposed by ledger
Moving to this type also reduces the maintenance burden of cardano-api
as we will eventually deprecate the TxBody type
  • Loading branch information
Jimbo4350 committed Aug 23, 2024
1 parent 2e265ef commit 8174b35
Showing 1 changed file with 204 additions and 0 deletions.
204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions cardano-api/internal/Cardano/Api/Experimental/Tx.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Cardano.Api.Experimental.Tx
( UnsignedTx (..)
, UnsignedTxError (..)
, makeUnsignedTx
, makeKeyWitness
, signTx
, convertTxBodyToUnsignedTx
, hashTxBody

import Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyBasedEra
import Cardano.Api.Eras.Case
import Cardano.Api.Experimental.Eras
import Cardano.Api.Feature
import Cardano.Api.ReexposeLedger (StrictMaybe (..), maybeToStrictMaybe)
import qualified Cardano.Api.ReexposeLedger as L
import Cardano.Api.Tx.Body
import Cardano.Api.Tx.Sign

import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxBody as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Api as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Babbage as Ledger
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Conway as Ledger
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Conway.TxBody as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Core as Ledger
import Cardano.Ledger.Hashes
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Keys as L
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.SafeHash as L

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Lens.Micro

-- | A transaction that can contain everything
-- except key witnesses
newtype UnsignedTx era
= UnsignedTx (Ledger.Tx (LedgerEra era))

instance IsEra era => Show (UnsignedTx era) where
showsPrec p (UnsignedTx tx) = case useEra @era of
BabbageEra -> showsPrec p (tx :: Ledger.Tx Ledger.Babbage)
ConwayEra -> showsPrec p (tx :: Ledger.Tx Ledger.Conway)

newtype UnsignedTxError
= UnsignedTxError TxBodyError

:: Era era
-> TxBodyContent BuildTx (ExperimentalEraToApiEra era)
-> Either TxBodyError (UnsignedTx era)
makeUnsignedTx era bc = obtainCommonConstraints era $ do
let sbe = eraToSbe era

-- cardano-api types
let apiTxOuts = txOuts bc
apiScriptWitnesses = collectTxBodyScriptWitnesses sbe bc
apiScriptValidity = txScriptValidity bc
apiMintValue = txMintValue bc
apiProtocolParameters = txProtocolParams bc
apiCollateralTxIns = txInsCollateral bc
apiReferenceInputs = txInsReference bc
apiExtraKeyWitnesses = txExtraKeyWits bc
apiReturnCollateral = txReturnCollateral bc
apiTotalCollateral = txTotalCollateral bc

-- Ledger types
txins = convTxIns $ txIns bc
collTxIns = convCollateralTxIns apiCollateralTxIns
refTxIns = convReferenceInputs apiReferenceInputs
outs = convTxOuts sbe apiTxOuts
fee = convTransactionFee sbe $ txFee bc
withdrawals = convWithdrawals $ txWithdrawals bc
returnCollateral = convReturnCollateral sbe apiReturnCollateral
totalCollateral = convTotalCollateral apiTotalCollateral
certs = convCertificates sbe $ txCertificates bc
txAuxData = toAuxiliaryData sbe (txMetadata bc) (txAuxScripts bc)
scripts = convScripts apiScriptWitnesses
languages = convLanguages apiScriptWitnesses
sData = convScriptData sbe apiTxOuts apiScriptWitnesses

let setMint = convMintValue apiMintValue
setReqSignerHashes = convExtraKeyWitnesses apiExtraKeyWitnesses
ledgerTxBody =
& L.inputsTxBodyL .~ txins
& L.collateralInputsTxBodyL .~ collTxIns
& L.referenceInputsTxBodyL .~ refTxIns
& L.outputsTxBodyL .~ outs
& L.totalCollateralTxBodyL .~ totalCollateral
& L.collateralReturnTxBodyL .~ returnCollateral
& L.feeTxBodyL .~ fee
& L.vldtTxBodyL . L.invalidBeforeL .~ convValidityLowerBound (txValidityLowerBound bc)
& L.vldtTxBodyL . L.invalidHereAfterL .~ convValidityUpperBound sbe (txValidityUpperBound bc)
& L.reqSignerHashesTxBodyL .~ setReqSignerHashes
& L.scriptIntegrityHashTxBodyL .~ getScriptIntegrityHash apiProtocolParameters languages sData
& L.withdrawalsTxBodyL .~ withdrawals
& L.certsTxBodyL .~ certs
& L.mintTxBodyL .~ setMint
& L.auxDataHashTxBodyL .~ maybe SNothing (SJust . Ledger.hashTxAuxData) txAuxData

scriptWitnesses =
& L.scriptTxWitsL
.~ Map.fromList
[ (L.hashScript sw, sw)
| sw <- scripts
eraSpecificTxBody <- eraSpecificLedgerTxBody era ledgerTxBody bc

return . UnsignedTx $
L.mkBasicTx eraSpecificTxBody
& L.witsTxL .~ scriptWitnesses
& L.auxDataTxL .~ maybeToStrictMaybe (toAuxiliaryData sbe (txMetadata bc) (txAuxScripts bc))
& L.isValidTxL .~ txScriptValidityToIsValid apiScriptValidity

:: Era era
-> Ledger.TxBody (LedgerEra era)
-> TxBodyContent BuildTx (ExperimentalEraToApiEra era)
-> Either TxBodyError (Ledger.TxBody (LedgerEra era))
eraSpecificLedgerTxBody BabbageEra ledgerbody bc = do
let sbe = eraToSbe BabbageEra

setUpdateProposal <- convTxUpdateProposal sbe (txUpdateProposal bc)

return $ ledgerbody & L.updateTxBodyL .~ setUpdateProposal
eraSpecificLedgerTxBody ConwayEra ledgerbody bc =
let propProcedures = txProposalProcedures bc
voteProcedures = txVotingProcedures bc
treasuryDonation = txTreasuryDonation bc
currentTresuryValue = txCurrentTreasuryValue bc
in return $
& L.proposalProceduresTxBodyL
.~ convProposalProcedures (maybe TxProposalProceduresNone unFeatured propProcedures)
& L.votingProceduresTxBodyL
.~ convVotingProcedures (maybe TxVotingProceduresNone unFeatured voteProcedures)
& L.treasuryDonationTxBodyL .~ maybe (L.Coin 0) unFeatured treasuryDonation
& L.currentTreasuryValueTxBodyL
.~ L.maybeToStrictMaybe (maybe (Just $ L.Coin 0) unFeatured currentTresuryValue)

:: L.HashAnnotated (Ledger.TxBody era) EraIndependentTxBody L.StandardCrypto
=> L.TxBody era -> L.Hash L.StandardCrypto EraIndependentTxBody
hashTxBody = L.extractHash @L.StandardCrypto . L.hashAnnotated

:: Era era
-> UnsignedTx era
-> ShelleyWitnessSigningKey
-> L.WitVKey L.Witness L.StandardCrypto
makeKeyWitness era (UnsignedTx unsignedTx) wsk =
obtainCommonConstraints era $
let txbody = unsignedTx ^. L.bodyTxL
txhash :: L.Hash L.StandardCrypto EraIndependentTxBody
txhash = obtainCommonConstraints era $ hashTxBody txbody
sk = toShelleySigningKey wsk
vk = getShelleyKeyWitnessVerificationKey sk
signature = makeShelleySignature txhash sk
in L.WitVKey vk signature

:: Era era
-> [L.BootstrapWitness L.StandardCrypto]
-> [L.WitVKey L.Witness L.StandardCrypto]
-> UnsignedTx era
-> Ledger.Tx (LedgerEra era)
signTx era bootstrapWits shelleyKeyWits (UnsignedTx unsigned) =
obtainCommonConstraints era $
let currentScriptWitnesses = unsigned ^. L.witsTxL
keyWits =
obtainCommonConstraints era $
& L.addrTxWitsL
.~ Set.fromList shelleyKeyWits
& L.bootAddrTxWitsL
.~ Set.fromList bootstrapWits
signedTx = unsigned & L.witsTxL .~ (keyWits <> currentScriptWitnesses)
in signedTx

-- Compatibility related. Will be removed once the old api has been deprecated and deleted.

:: ShelleyBasedEra era -> TxBody era -> UnsignedTx (ApiEraToExperimentalEra era)
convertTxBodyToUnsignedTx sbe txbody =
(const $ error "convertTxBodyToUnsignedTx: Error")
( \w ->
let ShelleyTx _ unsignedLedgerTx = makeSignedTransaction [] txbody
in UnsignedTx $ obtainShimConstraints w unsignedLedgerTx

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