We are the Intelligent Robotics Lab, a team of robotics researchers from Rey Juan Carlos University experienced in participating in several Robotics Competitions. We have more than 10 years of experience in development of robotic software, development and ROS trainning; and more that 5 years of experience in ROS2.
ROS2 Planning System (plansys2 in short) is a project whose objective is to provide Robotics developers with a reliable, simple, and efficient PDDL-based planning system. It is implemented in ROS2, applying the latest concepts developed in this currently de-facto standard in Robotics.
MOCAP4ROS2 is a Focused Technical Project funded initially by ROSIN. Its goal is to standardize the Motion Capture (mocap in short) Systems by providing standard interfaces that any mocap driver should respect when publishing its data and any mocap application could expect. MOCAP4ROS2 also provides tools to monitorize and control one or many mocap system running at the same time.