Support for time stamp in the date (i.e. 2023-04-02T09:22-03:00)
Support to pass variables to the 3D models download URL (#414 )
Support for netclass flags (#418 )
Export KICADn_* environment variables for the older versions
So you can use KICAD6_* variables on KiCad 7.
Expansion patterns:
%M directory where the pcb/sch resides. Only the last component
i.e. /a/b/c/name.kicad_pcb -> c (#421 )
Command line:
--banner N
Option to display a banner
--log FILE
Option to log to a file, in addition to the stderr
Global options:
to disable the 3D colored resistors.
field/s to look for resistor tolerance.
which tolerance to use when none found.
to avoid generating them all the time.
to specify fonts and colors to install (CI/CD)
3D: colored 3D models for THT resistors
Blender export:
Better default light
More light options
Datasheet download: now the warnings mention which reference failed.
Plot related outputs and PCB_Print:
: to control if the center of the page is computed
using all pages or individually.
Plot related outputs:
All outputs now support scaling.
Support for extra information in the Value field.
Currently just parsed, not rejected.
PCB/SCH parity test:
Check for value and fields/properties.
SCH print:
Option to use the auxiliary origin as reference. (#420 )
Makefile: don't skip all preflights on each run, just the ones we generate
as targets. (#405 )
KiKit present: problems when no board was specified. (#402 )
Datasheet download:
Avoid interruptions when too many redirections is detected (#408 )
PCB Print:
Interference between the visible layers in the PRL file and the results
when scaling. (#407 )
Problems with images in the WKS (KiCad 5/6)
Problems when using an output and no variant specified.
PCB/SCH parity test:
Workaround for bogus net codes generated by KiCad (#410 )
3D Models:
Problems to download KiCad 7 models (#417 )
Added workaround for KiCad 7 failing to export VRMLs for PCBs using paths
relative to the footprint. (See #417 )
ref_y coordinate not used. (#419 )
Some R, L and C values that were rejected are accepted now. You just get a
warning about what part of the value was discarded.
You can’t perform that action at this time.