原理讲解: https://juejin.cn/post/7433055767144136719
ohpm install @candies/image_cropper
完整例子: https://github.com/HarmonyCandies/image_cropper/blob/main/entry/src/main/ets/pages/Index.ets
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
image | image.ImageSource | 需要裁剪图片的数据源 |
config | image_cropper.ImageCropperConfig | 裁剪的一些参数设置 |
import * as image_cropper from "@candies/image_cropper";
import { ImageCropper } from "@candies/image_cropper";
import { image } from '@kit.ImageKit';
struct Index {
@State image: image.ImageSource | undefined = undefined;
private controller: image_cropper.ImageCropperController = new image_cropper.ImageCropperController();
@State config: image_cropper.ImageCropperConfig = new image_cropper.ImageCropperConfig(
maxScale: 8,
cropRectPadding: image_cropper.geometry.EdgeInsets.all(20),
controller: this.controller,
initCropRectType: image_cropper.InitCropRectType.imageRect,
cropAspectRatio: image_cropper.CropAspectRatios.custom,
build() {
Column() {
if (this.image != undefined) {
image: this.image,
config: this.config,
export interface ImageCropperConfigOptions {
/// Maximum scale factor for zooming the image during editing.
/// Determines how far the user can zoom in on the image.
maxScale?: number;
/// Padding between the crop rect and the layout or image boundaries.
/// Helps to provide spacing around the crop rect within the editor.
cropRectPadding?: geometry.EdgeInsets;
/// Size of the corner handles for the crop rect.
/// These are the draggable shapes at the corners of the crop rectangle.
cornerSize?: geometry.Size;
/// Color of the corner handles for the crop rect.
/// Defaults to the primary color if not provided.
cornerColor?: string | number | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;
/// Color of the crop boundary lines.
/// Defaults to `scaffoldBackgroundColor.withOpacity(0.7)` if not specified.
lineColor?: string | number | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;
/// Thickness of the crop boundary lines.
/// Controls how bold or thin the crop rect lines appear.
lineHeight?: number;
/// Handler that defines the color of the mask applied to the image when the editor is active.
/// The mask darkens the area outside the crop rect, and its color may vary depending on
/// whether the user is interacting with the crop rect.
editorMaskColorHandler?: EditorMaskColorHandler;
/// The size of the hit test region used to detect user interactions with the crop
/// rect corners and boundary lines.
hitTestSize?: number;
/// Duration for the auto-center animation, which animates the crop rect back to the center
/// after the user has finished manipulating it.
cropRectAutoCenterAnimationDuration?: number;
/// Aspect ratio of the crop rect. This controls the ratio between the width and height of the cropping area.
/// By default, it's set to custom, allowing freeform cropping unless specified otherwise.
cropAspectRatio?: number | null;
/// Initial aspect ratio of the crop rect. This only affects the initial state of the crop rect,
/// giving users the option to start with a pre-defined aspect ratio.
initialCropAspectRatio?: number | null;
/// Specifies how the initial crop rect is defined. It can either be based on the entire image rect
/// or the layout rect (the visible part of the image).
initCropRectType?: InitCropRectType;
/// A custom painter for drawing the crop rect and handles.
/// This allows for customizing the appearance of the crop boundary and corner handles.
cropLayerPainter?: ImageCropperLayerPainter;
/// Speed factor for zooming and panning interactions.
/// Adjusts how quickly the user can move or zoom the image during editing.
speed?: number;
/// Callback triggered when `ImageCropperActionDetails` is changed.
actionDetailsIsChanged?: ActionDetailsIsChanged;
/// A controller to manage image editing actions, providing functions like rotating, flipping, undoing, and redoing actions..
/// This allows for external control of the editing process.
controller?: ImageCropperController;
参数 | 描述 | 默认 |
maxScale | 最大的缩放倍数 | 5.0 |
cropRectPadding | 裁剪框跟图片 layout 区域之间的距离。最好是保持一定距离,不然裁剪框边界很难进行拖拽 | EdgeInsets.all(20.0) |
cornerSize | 裁剪框四角图形的大小 | Size(30.0, 5.0) |
cornerColor | 裁剪框四角图形的颜色 | 'sys.color.brand' |
lineColor | 裁剪框线的颜色 | 'sys.color.background_primary' 透明度 0.7 |
lineHeight | 裁剪框线的高度 | 0.6 |
editorMaskColorHandler | 蒙层的颜色回调,你可以根据是否手指按下来设置不同的蒙层颜色 | 'sys.color.background_primary' 如果按下透明度 0.4 否则透明度 0.8 |
hitTestSize | 裁剪框四角以及边线能够拖拽的区域的大小 | 20.0 |
cropRectAutoCenterAnimationDuration | 当裁剪框拖拽变化结束之后,自动适应到中间的动画的时长 | 200 milliseconds |
cropAspectRatio | 裁剪框的宽高比 | null(无宽高比) |
initialCropAspectRatio | 初始化的裁剪框的宽高比 | null(custom: 填充满图片原始宽高比) |
initCropRectType | 剪切框的初始化类型(根据图片初始化区域或者图片的 layout 区域) | imageRect |
controller | 提供旋转,翻转,撤销,重做,重置,重新设置裁剪比例,获取裁剪之后图片数据等操作 | null |
actionDetailsIsChanged | 裁剪操作变化的时候回调 | null |
speed | 缩放平移图片的速度 | 1 |
cropLayerPainter | 用于绘制裁剪框图层 | ImageCropperLayerPainter |
这是一个 number | null
如果为 null
如果小于等于 0
export class CropAspectRatios {
/// No aspect ratio for crop; free-form cropping is allowed.
static custom: number | null = null;
/// The same as the original aspect ratio of the image.
/// if it's equal or less than 0, it will be treated as original.
static original: number = 0.0;
/// Aspect ratio of 1:1 (square).
static ratio1_1: number = 1.0;
/// Aspect ratio of 3:4 (portrait).
static ratio3_4: number = 3.0 / 4.0;
/// Aspect ratio of 4:3 (landscape).
static ratio4_3: number = 4.0 / 3.0;
/// Aspect ratio of 9:16 (portrait).
static ratio9_16: number = 9.0 / 16.0;
/// Aspect ratio of 16:9 (landscape).
static ratio16_9: number = 16.0 / 9.0;
你现在可以通过覆写 [ImageCropperConfig.cropLayerPainter] 里面的方法来自定裁剪图层.
自定义例子: https://github.com/HarmonyCandies/image_cropper/blob/main/entry/src/main/ets/painter.ets
export class ImageCropperLayerPainter {
/// Paint the entire crop layer, including mask, lines, and corners
/// The rect may be bigger than size when we rotate crop rect.
/// Adjust the rect to ensure the mask covers the whole area after rotation
public paint(
config: ImageCropperLayerPainterConfig
): void {
// Draw the mask layer
// Draw the grid lines
// Draw the corners of the crop area
/// Draw corners of the crop area
protected paintCorners(config: ImageCropperLayerPainterConfig): void {
/// Draw the mask over the crop area
protected paintMask(config: ImageCropperLayerPainterConfig): void {
/// Draw grid lines inside the crop area
protected paintLines(config: ImageCropperLayerPainterConfig): void {
参数 | 描述 | 默认 |
animation | 是否开启动画 | false |
duration | 动画时长 | 200 milliseconds |
export interface FlipOptions {
animation?: boolean,
duration?: number,
flip(options?: FlipOptions)
参数 | 描述 | 默认 |
animation | 是否开启动画 | false |
duration | 动画时长 | 200 milliseconds |
degree | 旋转角度 | 90 |
rotateCropRect | 是否旋转裁剪框 | true |
当 rotateCropRect
为 true
并且 degree
为 90
export interface RotateOptions {
degree?: number,
animation?: boolean,
duration?: number,
rotateCropRect?: boolean,
rotate(options?: RotateOptions)
// 判断是否能撤销
bool canUndo = controller.canUndo;
// 撤销
// 判断是否能重做
bool canRedo = controller.canRedo;
// 重做
// 获取当前是第几个操作
// 获取操作历史
// 保存当前状态
// 获取当前操作对应的配置
获取裁剪之后的图片数据, 返回一个 PixelMap
- 获取当前裁剪信息
- 获取当前旋转角度
- 获取当前裁剪框的宽高比
- 获取初始化设置的裁剪框的宽高比
- 获取初始化设置的裁剪框的宽高比