🚀 The creator of the blog Apprendre La Programmation and passionate fullstack web developer, creating robust and scalable web applications.
I am a passionate advocate and proponent of Hexagonal Architecture.
- 💼 I'm currently working on: 💻 Developing new features for a SaaS purchasing management software for a client using NestJS and Angular.
- 🌱 I'm currently learning: 📚 Exploring Temporal.io
- 💬 Ask me about: 💡 TypeScript, NestJS, NestJS, MongoDB, Hexagonal Architecture and Clean Code
- ⚡ Fun fact: 🐔 Elle est où la poulette ?! Elle est bien cachée ?! 🙈
- 📂 Portfolio: https://gaetancottrez.dev
- 📝 Blog: https://apprendre-la-programmation.net